Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fall in MN

Somehow overnight it became fall.  Full on fall.  Red and golden trees, cool mornings, excuses to wear sweatshirts again.  We took full advantage this weekend and took Mino to an apple orchard in Minnetrista.  It couldn't have been a more amazing day, and the Packers won!!! 
We rode a tractor out to an apple orchard,
but I am cheap and we didn't buy the $30 peck of apples, but walked around anyway.

We then walked over the kiddo play area where they had a little petting zoo type thing.  Mino enjoyed the goats, most likely thought it was just Portos with horns.

We went to look at the corn maze but were super judgy and felt that if could see over the stalks of corn we weren't going to pay . . .but we posed for photos of course. . .
The we rode the tractor back to the store and looked at pumpkins, but cheapo Mom and Dad are going to grocery store to get one. .

Back on the home front, Mino and Portos are best friends. 
Mino got some new PJs from his auntie Sol and loves them!

And he loves the Packers!
Oh, and he climbs up stairs now too.  Watch out.  And we are trying to make him wear shoes, we haven't thus far.  He is almost one.  I think the time has come.  It is so weird though, I am used to him barfeoot or socked.  I think he is too.