Our little baby is ONE MONTH OLD! Holy Cow. I am shocked and awed at how fast this last month went by. Perhaps it is amplified because my schedule is still pretty thrown off, taking lots of naps and being up at night makes my perception of time a little skewed.

So this month we managed our first family picture. Don't we look happy and healthy?! NOT.

The other big milestone this week was quite a lifesaver to us . . . .wait for it. . . the Pacifier! We love who ever invented this little sucking device. IT literally has given us an extra hour of sleep per pop. Mino isn't 100% on board with it yet, he likes it once we convince him he likes it. We are both on board. And I suspect that Portos and Wallace like it too.

Martin has the ability to work from home occasionally, which is fantastic. Even though he is working, I can have him watch the sleeping Mino while I try to detoxify myself. I don't think that I have lost my pregnancy sense of smell, or with all of those hormonal changes my BO took a hit because I am very aware when a shower is needed. He has a bit of trouble though because the pets are happy he is here.

Martin and Mino have been spending quite a bit of bonding time this week.

And you can never start too early with making your child the smartest one on the planet.

Mino also has been gaining weight which is fantastic! As proof, here is his double chin!

Now to a more pressing issue. His hair. I knew he was going to have a bit of it because I had heartburn from the second that I saw a second line on a pregnancy test. Martin and I were both suspect that he would have red hair. Both of our sisters have red hair and my Grandma and her twin have red hair. . . our first thought was that it was black, then after we washed it decided it was brown. I know that this isn't his permanent hair, but I am still perplexed as to what it is going to look like - and what it does. In pictures it looks totally different than it does in life.
Example - After Bath:

After bath and after combing:

With a red background:

And to solve the problem - with a hat:

To cap it off, some interspecies love. Usually that means dog and cat - and OK -it does now too

but one of Benjamin being protected by his big brother Portos.
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