Wednesday, December 14, 2011
2 month check up. . .duh duh duh
So we survived our first round of vaccines. Poor little guy got three shots and a nasty spoonful of antibodies today. He did really well though. Poor little guy got weighed and measured too. . . . lets see, we were at one point in the 25% for his weight, we have now surged to the 87% with a whopping 13.0 Lbs and 24 inches long (which is 92%).
At least the little chunk is proportionate.
He still has his lump on his head from the vacuum but other than that he is spot on perfect! I was kinda disappointed that they didn't give him a sucker, but then I remembered that he doesn't eat anything yet, but it could have helped Martin and me.
I wanted to commemorate some of the great gifts that we have gotten from people as well. I am completely blown away with the generosity that everyone has shown us just for procreating.!
Auntie Caitlin made him a name banner:
And brought me an amazing Packers Poncho - no photos of me just yet, but I am envisioning a cheese sombrero coming into my future. I can't wear it yet as a different shirt has helped the Packers get to 13-0 and I'd hate to mess that up for them.
Auntie Em and Uncle John - among a myriad of other things- got him this amazing bear fleece outfit
He is so smart that he roars and growls like a bear when we put him in it! Wow, we better watch out for this kid, he is going to rival Einstein I think.
Uncle Jim and Aunt Pat found somewhere a place that makes bouquets of baby socks:
Winner for the gift from farthest away is Ping Pong the Panda who came all the way from China - not just made in, but purchased in as well!
And this super cute little bib that I felt was too cute to spoil with curdled boob milk spit up:
And hot off the presses from Lansing, MI the token First Christmas Ornament that I adore from Aunt Janet:
A huge milestone this week as well is that he is starting to respond to us and give us smiles! Before he would do it when he was full of milk, or sleeping but never as a response to something we were doing. For whatever reason this kid LOVES getting his diaper changed and when all else fails with soothing him, he doesn't want boob and he isn't hot and his diaper is clean we lay him on his changing table and he calms down! I guess he is just a huge fan of having a clean bum, this characteristic he gets from his father. Not that I don't, but coming from a land of bidets and adult butt wipes, Martin likes it a bit more than me. So, without further ado, Benjamins Smiles!

Along this line, he also looks at our faces more now so that makes for some quality photoops of his parents:
He has been having some good snuggle time with Martin this week too : for that weekly shot here we go:
Yes, we do like dressing our child up as an animal. We have a limited amount of time where we get to make the call on what he wears so we are doing it to the max.
I think that I have already put a picture of this thing up, but I have to do it again. He is just too adorable with it on.
Funny story here. . .I had him in the moby wrap and was shopping at Trader Joes (my arms are way too weak to carry around that egg shell thing all the time) and a lady came up to me and questioned why I had a stuffed animal like that. She then got closer and realized that it was a baby. Very odd that someone would actually call you out on being crazy, I would always think it and go home and tell Martin about it but never go up to the person and put it in their face.
His little eye lashes are growing in thicker and longer now and he has eyebrows! Best captured with a sleepy face:
He was all Whoopy Goldberg when he was born, luckily he has emerged from that stage.
And having too much time on my hands. . here is his Christmas Photos - Round 1.

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