Wednesday, January 23, 2013

15 months and counting

So, my little man is 15 months old now and is just that, a little man.  He prefers to read books whilst his diaper is being changed, only wants to feed himself and gets really mad if you try to help give him direction, he likes to grunt and yell, has a thing for the muppets DVD box and balls of all sorts.  He also really likes this little white yorkie stuffed dog with a pink bow. 
He talks a little, ball, mama, bye bye, baby, bow wow, moo are his limits right now with an occasional dada thrown in for good measure.  He actually sits through entire movies (I know, bad mama sitting my child in front of the TV) such as Shrek and Finding Nemo.  He loves to empty his book shelf every day and his current faves are I Love You StinkyFace, Buenas Noches Luna and Peek - A - Who?  He is running around the house now, no second thought to walking.  He *knock on wood* is putting himself to sleep and sleeping through the night now.  Baths are still fun as is throwing food of all sorts to Portos.  Pacifiers are never very far away but he doesn't need them to make it through the day. 
Days in the infant room at daycare are numbered, he is already visiting the toddler room and fitting in perfectly there.  He is eating at the big boy table and regularly sleeping on cots not in his crib.  I met with Naheed for the last time today, in the next couple weeks he is getting the official boot from infants. 
He still doesn't care what he wears so I dress him up anyway I darn please which is fun!  Oh, and teeth, still sitting strong with 5.5 teeth. 
What a difference a year makes.
A quick recap of this month which has been spent in Clintonville every weekend so not a lot of neat activities had.  That is upcoming :)
Speaking of talking, here he is in action:

New Years Eve was spent with Auntie Sarah.  Look how much fun is being had!!
 Meh, I wish I could go out to celebrate and not be with these boring folks!
 A picture says 1,000 words right? 
 This is a flash back to Christmas time and a picture I really like that Granddude took of us :)
 We took a quick trip to the Home and Landscape show in the Metrodome and gave Mino the opportunity to poop there on the astroturf!!
 And he did the stairs
 And looked super cute emerging from the bathtub.
He discovered my Filet O'Fish and loves the tune:

 And loves his monkey blanket!
Live in action, looks like an ewok to me

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