Saturday, April 19, 2014

Members only up in herrrrrre

We have been becoming members.  I think that I probably mentioned that we became members at the Children's Museum because three trips and it is paid for- why not?!  Well apparantly at most children's facilities this is the case.  I have never lived anywhere close enough to these kinds of places to make becoming a member worthwhile but now we do and are loving it.  We are totally going to make jackets.  So long story short, we joined the Minnesota Zoo too.    Unlimited fun for chirruns up in here.
We had previously gone to the Como Zoo - which is free and awesome - but thought why not see the other one too.  Very nice it is.
The Penguin exhibit is right next to the dining area so was quite popular.

 They have this neat exhibit about Minnesota and the day we went the animals were very active.
 They have amazing grizzly bears which Ben LOVED.
Jimmy was mistaken for food occasionally with his little bear outfit.

There is a petting tank with rays and sharks.  Ben wasn't scared which blew my mind.

Even Jimmy got in on the action.
Other than that we have been doing what we can to entertain ourselves indoors.  Winter is waning finally, but just when all the snow melts, it snows again so you can never have too much to do indoors.  I particularly like this picture because it violates about 15 parenting rules: Bumbo on the table without the straps, a toy wrapped around childs neck, a plastic bag in the background to play with, a spray bottle with an unlabeled fluid inside. . . .whoops.  Jimmy likes to watch what Ben does.

Ben is getting braver with water, he still doesn't like it on his face but is willing to sink his ears now.  What a forehead this one has!
Jimmy just loves to be able to reach his feet.
The Hoff stopped by Jimmy's room.  Not really.  Google Plus did this.  I get lots of joy from this picture.
Jimmy is working on his sitting up abilities and is getting pretty good!  Again, thanks google plus for making pictures fun.
Auntie Caitlin had gifts that she was bringing with her to visit, but when that trip got abruptly halted she shipped them instead.  Nothing is cuter than matching jammies!!

Emily's In-laws also shipped us a box of goodies.  It was like Christmas morning.  Her grandma in law made each boy a blanket and a little taggie blanket which Jimmy LOVES.
Between snow storms we try to get outside to get our pale children some Vitamin D.

Saaron and DooDoo popped in for a weekend visit.
Look at that bad ginger influencing her sweet ginger nephew.
Holly came too!!!!!!!!
 Who doesn't love an upside-down smiling baby shot with naked feet?! Auntie Gingah noticed that Jimmy even packs fat on the soles of his feet.  I guess his thighs ran out of room.

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