Monday, September 1, 2014

9 months old and counting

Well he's 9 months old (and a half by the time I got to writing this) and crawling and pulling to a stand and forgetting to hold on sometimes which for a second appears as if he is just standing there.  He is eating three solid meals a day plus 15 a night.  Not really.  Makes hilarious sounds - part dolphin part pterydactyl part elephant.  Weird  child.  Is freakishly strong.  Loves his mama and can take or leave most anyone else.  Loves to play with balls and dances like a mad man to music.  Is officially too big for his jumper (25lbs which is like 98th percentile)
and falling off the scales height wise (28 inches) only in the 67th percentile.  His head is huge like his weight.  He has come down with his last ear infection and after needing Augmentin to clear it we have decided to pull the trigger and go with the recommendation for ear tubes.  That comes in September.  Seems like many people's kids have had it but I am not looking forward to the general anesthesia. 

His personality is starting to show, he is very determined and gets very frustrated if you try to stop him from what he is doing.  It is funny now but I can see trouble in our future.  Luckily he wakes up happy and is happy unless he isn't.  He snaps out of it though.  And can cheer up his brother.  And can take getting sat on and pinched and pushed over by his brother like a charm, no drama there on his end.  But if he should flail and hit Ben watch out.
And these are his skills now, clapping and mimicking.

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