Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Jimmy's First Birthday

Poor Jimmy, already suffering from pretty severe second child syndrome.  For Ben's first birthday we traveled to Argentina, all Jimmy got was the east coast. The little guy did manage to finagle three separate birthday observations though.
He is as jolly still as he was when he was fresh out.  He loves to smile and laugh and has a wicked little temper.  He learned how to signal "more" at daycare and uses it in pretty much every situation.  as Doodoo puts it "He manages to live his whole life perfectly knowing only one phrase".  He started officially walking on Nov 13 (he has been taking single steps for a while but actually branching out and taking multiple steps repeatedly) and loves food.  He is all about bananas and can get huuuuge chunks in his mouth and not choke.  Thankfully.  He copies his brother and is almost stronger than him now.  He bulldozes him and can crawl up into Ben's bed and harrass him when we read stories at night.  He is a big time mama's boy.  He can say Mama, Dada, Daddy, Ba (Ben), Nana, Uh oh, Thank You and signals the crap out of "more".  He is addicted to Portos' water bowl and if not just putting his hands in it can be found putting Ben's toys or trying to stand in it.
He pretty much has a constant ear infection, switching from drops in one ear to drops in another.  We recently had almost two weeks off drops but restarted them today.  He sure doesn't complain much though.  He still spends most of the night in our bed.  That is my fault though, I am too lazy to sit in his room and get him down multiple times, I want to sleep so I bring him with me.  He still isn't weaned and I think I have a little addict on my hands so I don't know when that will happen.  Anyway back to the party business.

We did a little one at Grandma's. Originally I thought it would be great to have us all together to do it, forgetting that she doesn't eat much sugar and there isn't enough room in her room for all of us and cake and kids and crumbs with no dogs to clean up.  We did it anyway though downstairs and gave some life to the dining room.

 I think he liked how it felt more than how it tasted.
More please!
We did go up to Grandma's room to open a couple small presents.

His actual birthday was the day of the burial so we didn't do much special that day, just a big lunch and the wait staff brought some ice cream for the boys.

When we got home we did one for the four of us as Martin and I had a couple little presents for him to open. 

He was soooo dirty.  I think it had been a week since either of them had been bathed.  This lower picture is a clean faced and haired Jimmy.

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