Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Birthdays and Star Wars Halloween

This is super late so I am going to clump things.  For instance, Ben turned 4, we had an amazing family themed Halloween and Jimmy turned 2 :)  For Ben the theme has been Star Wars for the last 9 months, that hasn't changed a bit.  We still don't know a ton of people with kiddos the same ages as ours so we have yet to pull the trigger on a big birthday party, but what they don't know can't hurt them and Ben rather enjoyed his Storm Trooper cake. 

 For his birthday we got him a big boy bed.  He was really attached to his crib and had a tough time changing from crib to "toddler bed" so we were a little ambivalent as to how this was going to go, but he loved it.
 The Kalwiters and Elder DeWolves came to visit for Halloween weekend, Ben was set on being Darth Vader and with the new Force Awakens movie out it wasn't hard to find something for Jimmy -  a Chewbacca costume was actually quite fitting.  We mentioned this to Saaron who decided to go to the next level and fashion their own family outfits out of Star Wars characters.  Martin and I had to step up to the plate so martin went and found a Boba Fett costume and I waited too long and was being non-committal until I decided I could make a R2D2 costume with duct tape, hula hoops and paper.  Gryff even got in on the action!

 If Harrison Ford didn't have the Han Solo act on lockdown Aaron would have a solid chance at it.  He avoided haircuts for months to achieve that 70s shaggy look.  Chest hair, already present. 
 The boys have colds so still need to keep their distance from Baby Margot, here she was on a safety blanket that the boys were not supposed to cross the border to get their germs close to her.  She is soooo tiny next to these two beasts.
 Jimmy is all about trains and Mickey Mouse so that is the theme we went with for his birthday. 
 The picture I saw on the internet was a little less "Mickey emerges from Flames " and more cute Disney poka dot, but whatever. 

 Ben was not goign to let Jimmy have this birthday alone, he was all about helping with the blowing out of candles and making wishes. 

 I found a great deal on Craigslist for a train table and although it is rather large and rather close to Christmas, I figured why not. 
 Jimmy is still playing with it here 4 months later so I am quite pleased.

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