Wednesday, December 21, 2011

2 months old

So my little guy is two months old today.
I can not believe it has been that long since he came into our lives.  He has changed sooo much since then.  It is crazy.  I love that he is showering us with smiles now and is letting me sleep a good 4-6 hour stretch every single night for the last two weeks.  One night we got about 7 hours out of him - I had to check his breathing to make sure he was alive.
We have had a couple big adventures this last week:  first was an impromptu trip to Clintonville to help Nana celebrate her 60th birthday!
We weren't planning on going, but at the last minute decided we should milk this time off work for what it is worth and go away when we get the opportunity.  Good thing she is in good health, because I thought she was going to have a heart attack when she saw us.  Note the amazing cake that my Aunt Pat and Uncle Jim so diligently planned out to surprise her with at work.  Black on the inside.  Nana hasn't had much one on one time with the little guy as there is usually another guest so she soaked up some good snuggles while we were home.
 While we were there we got some good news - a certain young fellow popped the question to Auntie Sarah so Mino will have a new uncle!  Good on you Aaron!  Had I planned better I would have Sarah stationed on the other side to be flashing her bling, but oh well.
 We had to rush back to MN so that Martin could have some time with the little guy before Auntie Sarah arrived and hogged all the Mino love.
Sarah finished up with the first "semester" of her third year of dental school and was coming home for the holidays via MN so that she could go pick up little Gryffindor.  More on that in the next post.  Anyway, while she was here she learned that reading 20 minutes a day to the little bugger is really going to help him when he gets to kindergarten so she read and read:
Portos was soaking up the knowledge too, he didn't want to be outdone by his little brother.  Sarah needs some practice reading aloud.  Oh, and she discovered the wonder that is the Moby wrap.   I prefer that to carting around that heavy eggshell thing when we go out.
We went Christmas shopping (where I conveniently forgot my wallet so the gal with no job and a ton of loans footed my bill) and she toted him as if he were hers.  He did go in the stroller for a while though where we had an adventurous time on the escalator (thank you man behind me who managed not to fall when I walked backwards into you!)  She got lots of compliments though while wearing him and was impressed with the core workout that the little chunk provides you.  Speaking of which - we saw Minos first muffintop!!!
It is so cute when they are little!  While I deemed this outfit extraordinarily adorable (note how many pictures he is wearing it in. . .) I think that sweatpants are a far more rational option for a two month old to wear.

Uncle Aaron stopped in for a few hours on his way to Ladysmith and Sarah couldn't wait to have him try out the Moby.  The baby was nursing so was unavailable so she had him practice first - he was so good he could imitate Clay Matthews wearing a baby:
He passed the test so got to try out the real thing.  
And for the juicy stuff that everyone wants:  Cute pictures of Mino!!!!!!!!

Have a very happy holiday!!

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