Friday, January 20, 2012

Minos First Christmas Vacation!

After the excitement of turning two months old Mino had to prepare for his first Christmas !!  This year was particularly important because Gryffendor was trying to steal the thunder from poor Minos cuteness.  We will get to that.  First things first we had to load everyone up into the Subaru and make the trek to Clintonville.  Mino and I were seasoned veterans at this trip, but we added Wallace and Martin to the mix and that made for a clown car full!
We made it in record time though and the DeWolfs rushed the car to swoop poor Mino away leaving Martin and I to unload.  Mino and Nana had some quality time though.  
Soon after arriving began the Christmas of babies!  Gryff was already fitting right in and poor Auntie Sarah didn't know where to start with the cuddling.  Now, as an aside, Sarah has been pretty obsessed with little Mino and I think her biological clock starting ticking big time.  Now that was partially satiated with knowing she was getting a puppy but she was still pretty baby crazy, until the first night with Gryff.  I would wake up to feed Mino and I would see Sarah stumbling up the stairs after having to let the puppy outside.  The strange thing was that Grandpa Jack was actually asleep during these midnight encounters!  Anyway, Auntie Sarah really didn't make it out of her pajamas for most of the weekend. 
Gryff and Mino are only a week apart, and for the time being are about the same size . . . 
Martin and Sarah both had fun cuddling with their new nephews as well:
The weather was absolutely phenomenal and atypical for this time of year here in the upper midwest so Mino got to go exploring the streets of Clintonville, and Gryff got to be introduced to leash walking and snow!
Sadly, he is now too big for this little bear suit :(     I didn't have a camera, I wish I did to capture the essence of a new puppy on a leash. . .  Gryff really enjoyed Christmas, in fact he was a little present thief.  Now this looks like a posed picture taken at any good for nothing photostore, but in fact, Gryff stole this present from under the tree and ran around the house with it until he found the right spot to try and open it.
The new Felices family attempted the first of *hopefully* annual Christmas photos, but between me trying to hide the damage that little guy did to my gut, a screaming baby, and a husband/father who does not like to pose or smile for pictures it wasn't too smooth.. . Here is the best one:

But I really like this one because it shows everything we were trying to hide:   
After a long day of presents the beasties had to relax. .
I really wanted to put Mino into this mix, but Gryff's teeth are just a little too sharp and his muscles a little too strong to trust him next to the baby.  And I am feeling a little less than witty so here are a couple little photo montages. . 
Baby bath:
Basking in the sun playing on the gym mat:
Cute Mino faces:  

And I should have learned after the fiasco on October 22, Mino's first Badger Game that perhaps he wasn't the best luck for the team, but to prove it here is all ready for the Rose Bowl: 
Badgers:38 Ducks:45.  Sorry WI, I take the blame.

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