Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mamas done gone and got lazy

So big events: Mino's first hair cut and Mino is walking!!   Benjamin has been having lots of fun in this last month but he has been exhausting!  Well, I retract that, he is tiring, I rode solo with 7 week old twins, that is exhausting, but still, 13 month fatigue is setting in.  Any down time is spent trying to manage the chaos that is our house or sleeping.  Anyway, I will be back in action on this blog now.

 Thanks for the robe Astrid!!
 I keep my cupboards meticulously organized and all of my linens and laundry are always folded. 
 Suck on this Martin - my child eats vegetables!!  Willingly!!!!

We had his one year check up and found that he is falling off the high percentages on weight.  At one year Mr. Mino is 2' 7.5 "  or .8m tall (91%) and weighs 22 lbs 8 oz or 10.2 kg (63%).  His noggin continues to expand and is a whopping 19 inches around (93%).  Doc says he is proportionate, so all is well.  He has had various illness in the last month, a huge lymph node in his groin, pink eye, a double ear infection and one of his usual URI.

We went to WI for Thanksgiving.  It was a quiet Thanksgiving with Saaron chilling in the Bean rather than spending time with their families (yes that is mean and meant as a guilt trip to never abandon us on Thanksgiving again guys!)  Our clown car of pets and people made it to WI and hung out for four or five days overeating.    

 The dudes napping off and on.

As I look at these pictures I have no idea how we waited so long for that haircut.  Anyway, we then came home and I really don't remember what we did.  Oh yeah, Mino got his haircut and began full on independent non-coaxed walking on the same day - December 2.  We went to a kiddie cut place to chop those glorious locks, and he did surprisingly well.  He didn't lose an ear and didn't shed a tear.

 We tested the waters of Judaism with the side curls above the ears.  Decided against it.
 I admit it, I cried.  He looked sooooo much older after losing his little mane.  Then I really lost it when I realized I didn't really have a good video of him toddling with his baby hair.   Crazy man.

Anyway, that evening he showed what all that hair was stopping him from doing . . . walking!!  Actually I can't say that I came up with that bit of knowledge a brilliant daycare teacher deduced that his hair was holding him back.

 Martin went to Hotlanta for a conference and we got our first real winter storm.  And we don't have a snowblower.  Yess!  Actually, it is fine, the first snow I am so pumped that it doesn't matter.  In March it is a different story unless there are 10+ inches.  Then I am still OK. 

Then I realized that I hadn't done an ugly face series in quite a while.  So here it is!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday cake trial run

Early October.  I have been a bad blogger this past month, probably one of the more imporant since the blog is about Benjamin and he turned one and had his first trip to meet his aunt and uncle in Argentina this month.   But, with all that going on and a crazy job there has been limited time.  

The leaves have been falling and on afternoons that aren't too cool we try to go outside to enjoy the last bit of warmth before winter sets in and all playing must be done inside our wee house.

 Mino discovered the coolness that is toilet paper.  It doesn't matter if the toilet is occupied, he will still go for it.  And eat it.
 He and Wally have developed a love/hate relationship.  Mino chases Wallace around the house trying to cuddle and pull his tail, Wally hates it.
 We have been watching the Packers come to life.  We figured out what had happened at the beginning of the season, with all the Portos hoopla we forgot to transfer his tags from his Red Sox collar so the Packers collar wasn't in use.  The week we made the switch Aaron Rodgers came back to life.  You are welcome Wisconsin.

 As Nana and Granddude weren't making the trek to Argentina we had a small get together with them to celebrate his first birthday.
 I spend too much time reading mom things on Pinterest and what not and heard about these cool things called smash cakes where you give the baby a cake and he destoys it and loves it.  Mino surprised me in that he didn't go all that nuts.

 Otis enjoyed the clean up though!

Argentina Spring Visit

After the amazing party that Abuelo and Abuela threw together for Mino the rest of the trip was spent visiting with cousins and doing a bit of tourism.
Mino slept so much better there than at home, we slept in every morning until at least 9.  And nearly every morning Sol and Clara came over to visit.  We determined from this photo that Mino has an incredibly large head in comparison to his cousin.

 They had more fun in the darn wagon.  This is one of the few shots I have where Mino isn't giving her the stink eye.  Aside from cruising in the wagon, one of his hobbies was hitting/slapping his cousin or pulling at her earrings.
 He also had a good time playing with Abuela and Lothar in the back yard.  There is some serious kid equipment at their house, a mini merry-go-round type thing that he couldn't quite maneuver, but enjoyed none the less.

On our third day we made a trek to Temaiken and Mino got to have his first trip to the zoo!

Delfi and Felix got to play hooky from school as it was a beautiful week day not to be wasted.  We saw a swimming white tiger.
 The park had an amazing bird sanctuary with a different section for birds from different geographic regions, one of the coolest things I have seen.  The parrots were a big hit for everyone.
 The also had a great aquarium which had a huge shark tank.


Martin decided that both Mino and Wally would benefit from a large fish tank in our house.  I agreed so long as there are guppys always in the tank and I never have to clean it.  We'll see if it ever happens.

The next day Wen took us to the Puerto de Frutos in el Tigre.

Again a week day which was really nice as there weren't a ton of people.  Mino got hot though, so we didn't stay for too long.  The highlight of the place for me was the sheer number of places that sold art deco children's furniture.  Who knew there was such a large market?!
 Later in the week Abuela's friend Kelly (sorry if it is a different spelling) brought us to an art exhibit of Giacometti at the Proa Museum adjacent to the caminito in La Boca, my favorite part that I have seen thus far of Buenos Aires.

The museum was very nice in that the exhibit was great but not too big, that was really the only section you could expore, and there was a roof top bar/cafe.

Mino seized the moment to raid Abuela's purse. 

There was a good view of the port near La Boca and the taxi stand :)

We managed to get into the city in record time, there before the museum even opened, so we toured around the Caminito.

Another thing that can not be missed when in Argentina is an empanada.  One lazy night Martin and I ordered some to go, well, Mino busted in on our fun and stole one.  Another habit that is going to be hard to break.

Wen and Paula were our second hosts, driving to visit us twice and hosting us for dinner one night.  Martin and Wen have been friends for at least three decades.  Martin is old.
 There is a channel, thanks to Fox International, in Argentina, Baby TV.  Here I have tried to limit TV time for Mino as I read somewhere some article that said TV was bad for babies.  I don't have a reference or anything and could not find it again.  Well, Mino was transfixed by this.  Sol pointed out the same thing happens when you withhold sugar from kids so whoops. 
 Here is Mino caught red handed terrorizing his poor sweet cousin.

 And getting in some good Auntie and cousin time.
 And time with his abuelos
 Before we departed to go back to the US on Halloween.