Monday, November 5, 2012

Birthday cake trial run

Early October.  I have been a bad blogger this past month, probably one of the more imporant since the blog is about Benjamin and he turned one and had his first trip to meet his aunt and uncle in Argentina this month.   But, with all that going on and a crazy job there has been limited time.  

The leaves have been falling and on afternoons that aren't too cool we try to go outside to enjoy the last bit of warmth before winter sets in and all playing must be done inside our wee house.

 Mino discovered the coolness that is toilet paper.  It doesn't matter if the toilet is occupied, he will still go for it.  And eat it.
 He and Wally have developed a love/hate relationship.  Mino chases Wallace around the house trying to cuddle and pull his tail, Wally hates it.
 We have been watching the Packers come to life.  We figured out what had happened at the beginning of the season, with all the Portos hoopla we forgot to transfer his tags from his Red Sox collar so the Packers collar wasn't in use.  The week we made the switch Aaron Rodgers came back to life.  You are welcome Wisconsin.

 As Nana and Granddude weren't making the trek to Argentina we had a small get together with them to celebrate his first birthday.
 I spend too much time reading mom things on Pinterest and what not and heard about these cool things called smash cakes where you give the baby a cake and he destoys it and loves it.  Mino surprised me in that he didn't go all that nuts.

 Otis enjoyed the clean up though!

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