Saturday, February 18, 2012


What can I say, my child is in daycare = My child is sick.  Poor guy has had some form of cold or snot or cough since Christmas.  Well, I take that back, he had a break for three days right when I started work.  Poor guy is now taking his first prescription medicine, Amoxicillin!  Yeah!  Martin thought it was pretty cool that we could choose the flavor for it, so trying to keep things on the straight and narrow he chose apple flavor.  However, this morning we discovered that it is either super sugar stuff that the call "apple" or they gave him bubble gum.  Either way, he is a sticky mess and probably gets half of his dose each time.  
Enough of that boring stuff though. . . sick or not, Mino is a man of the house and has really reached out to try and bond with his brothers.  Portos likes to choose when he cuddles, he doesn't like it forced upon him - Obviously.

Wallace on the other hand will take loving wherever he can get it.  Whenever we have Mino in the kitchen Wally will get up on the counter and rub his face on Minos hands.  He probably is getting some form of food from them (this child has nasty stuff between his fingers at all times - toe jam finger edition.)

 But obviously Portos and Wallace are happiest when Mino is just a little picture on a screen and asleep in the other room so they have their daddy all to themselves.
 Mino has been getting better and better at tummy time.  He still doesn't loooove it flat on the ground, but if he is propped up he will enjoy it for quite a while. 
 Last week in fact he demonstrated a new skill. . . .Raspberries!

Other than that we really haven't had too many adventures this last week and a half.  We have just been having some good old fashioned family time.


 Mino has been getting much better at sitting up too.  He finally has mastered the bumbo chair at home!  However I learned at my first Parent "Teacher" conference at day care (is it weird that I just think it is funny that I am on the parent side of that equation now?) that those chairs have been recalled due to kids cracking their skulls open.  However, it is because people are putting them up on high surfaces and not their intended way on the ground.
 And I hope you can see here the huge drool line extending from his mouth on down.  He can drool like the rest of them.  He is still too young for it to be teething, so I think he is just a boy and mastering a craft of gross bodily functions that he will soon be able to use against me.
 He also loves to chew on his hands.  When I am feeding him he will sneak his hand in there and start sucking on his fingers rather than drinking milk.  I have to pull them out of there and may soon need to get baby handcuffs to keep those things away.  Remember how I mentioned toe jam of the hand, well I swear I do wash his hands so that he isn't eating it, but I think that I just have to accept that nasty jam will just help boost his immunity.
 The biggest event in the Felices household was the acquisition of a Dyson vacuum cleaner.  Martin has been wanting one for the longest time and I am a cheap tightwad and really had issue with spending the big bucks for a vacuum.  However, with Minos Uncle Otis coming here a lot, and now that my prego hormones are gone and I am on a fast track to baldom there has been a plethora of hair that was just too much for my little Eureka which all but went caput.  It is good at sucking spiders from the ceiling but the roller is not too effective anymore, so I caved, and Martin is the new Real Housewife of Crystal.
 Also, I have to interject that I love Mino.  I think he is just adorable and in nearly every picture I take he looks it.  However, I can admit when I take something that just makes him look off, as if that weekend visiting the Magic Hat Brewery right before I found out I was pregnant had more of an effect than I thought. . . . and here it is. . .  UGLY MINO!  (But thanks for the great Red Sox shirt Novartis peeps!)

Enough of that nonsense.
Now for the closing saga of cute Mino pics. . .
Sleeping superhero Mino
 Bundled traveling Mino

 Happy daycare Mino (demonstrating his new smile with his tongue sticking out between his smiling lips)
 Sitting happy daycare Mino.

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