Sunday, April 8, 2012

Life after Abuela

This week we said ciao (chau according to Martin) to Monica and hola to the Easter Bunny.
Minos first Easter, nothing different today really.

Just totally taking advantage of the fact that he adores us and lets us do anything so long as we smile at him so he can smile back!   The Easter Bunny didn't visit us this year, resting up for next year I suppose.  Mino had a good day all in all, he helped us mow the lawn for the first time and spead Easter cheer in his little bunny/dog snowsuit. . . I am still not too clear as to which animal that it is supposed to be, but it really doesn't matter does it?!?

And here is a picture for my geneticist friends. . .where does Martin contribute to this young one?  I am still working on it (and crossing my fingers that it is his legs!!)
 Mino has finally shown interest in one toy over another and repeatedly for a couple days, is it the cool grabby toy to help with dexterity?  Is it the toy that he can flex around and chew on to help with teething?  Nope.  It is a mirror.  I think this blog is having a negative effect on him.
 I found a nice patch of un-Portosed and Otised grass and let Mino explore.   He wasn't a fan.  The best part was when he rested his head - or didn't - the grass tickled his face so he wouldn't lower it.  I guess if I was a mean mom I would always make him tummy time here so he gets a good work out.  But I'm not so I won't.
 Yet again daycare was able to capture an absolutely adorable smile out of my wee one.  They are good at their craft. 
 And I had some fun taking pictures of him while he was playing with his feet. Like rolling over (which has yet to resurface) this is something he did a couple weeks ago then stopped.  I am glad it is back because it is pretty darn cute.

Now for something that is a little less than cute. . . Mino's hair situation.  Granted it wasn't amazing or lustrious to begin with, but it was ample and wily.  These two shots are from when he was around two months. . .

 And now it is sparse (except for that circle patch on top) and unkempt. . . Simliar angles from the other two at 5.5 months. . .

And something I have been meaning to put up on here for a while and even took pictures a while ago, and just never got around to is documentation of Mino's Lair.   We have
The Milking station:
 The changing and sleeping station:
 And the education and play station. 
Amazing what you can fit in 10 square feet!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny, Becky! Yes, Mino is all you. At least in looks. and at least for now. Can't believe how big he is getting!
