Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mino Aint No Fool

Well, first and foremost, Martin said it perfectly when he said "when Mino grows up to be a recording artist this will be his first album cover. . . "

 This looks like we are dressing him to be a tool.  I swear that is absolutely the opposite of what our goal was.  Now that it is nice outside, our little pale child is braving the out of doors and we need to protect him.  We were given this cute redsox hat before we left Boston:
 But quickly found that while that is great at high noon, most of the time the sun is able to sneak in under the brim so we needed to find some baby sunglasses which we did during our excursion to the outlet mall with Abuela. .
And the combo was the first picture which is just too much for words.   Now had I been more on top of things I would have had a picture of Mino at the worlds coolest restaurant that Martin and I dined in while Monica continued her shopping.  I lack the stamina to keep up with her.  Anyway, it is called Space Aliens Bar and Grill. .  and I think it changed my life.  Mino was super well behaved and did not freak out when we heard over the loudspeakers that a UFO had landed in the parking lot next door and then a giant alien walked around the dining room.  Fantastic.  And you can order a loaded baked potato as your main course!

In other news, Minos Abuela is in town!  She arrived one week ago today and both Martin and I had to work all week so she and Mino had a whole lot of quality time together.  We made up for lost tourism this weekend though.  Friday was a trip to the outlet mall mentioned above.  Saturday we went to the Walker Art Center and Minneapolis Sculpture Garden.  Sadly the beautiful weather we have had for most of the month failed us while we were there.
Minos favorite artist was Frank Gaard.   He managed to be pushed through several galleries and floors without once throwing down.  I don't know how he pulls it together so well for our outdoor excursions.   He wanted to have a better view for some of the modern art. . .
  All the art browsing wore him out for the sculpture garden. . .

And here are the three of us
Sunday we finally got some blue skies so decided to take a lunch trip to Stillwater.  He again pulled out all the stops and was so well behaved for a walk around town and lunch.  I just can't get over it, I guess that is the key, when he gets naughty -
 take him out somewhere really adult. 
Oh, and how could I forget this one.  Mino also went golfing this week!  I went to the driving range with my coworkers and he wanted to come with.  The kid has a mean stroke.

After golfing we walked around Lake Como.  He is quite the charmer.  The joke at my new job is that all of the female dentists are the same person so we refer to ourselves as triplets.  Mino liked having three moms for the day.  We are the 2010s version of My Two Dads.

I think I mentioned that we transitioned Mino into the tub for his baths now as he is too big for the sink tub we have.  But we had been having trouble because he is mega buoyant.  You need two people at all times to bathe him - one to hold him down from floating and one to clean him.  I was appalled at the cost of a plastic tub to put inside the tub but knew we needed something that was a little bit more safe for him and this inflatable rubber ducky tub appears to be just it.  It is annoying that it is inflatable but the soft sides are good for when he flops over.
 And here is a close up of his plotting hands.  I am always amused at this little pose and wonder if it is a phase or if this will be a lifelong thing.
 And here are a few cute pictures of Mino hanging out with his daddy.

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