Sunday, May 13, 2012

Starting off big with his first Mother's Day

Benjamin went all out for his first mother's day.  First he flew big momma to Colorado to visit with his aunties Caitlin and Emily.  Then he flew me back in and had a hand made card (thanks Kindercare!) and flowers for me.  What a little pumpkin!    I don't know if he just wanted a little dude time with his daddy (and Portos and Wallace) or wanted his Mom to get her bearings straight and catch up with her buddies, but either way it was amazing.   He and Martin did just fine without the boob around.  I guess they had a little impromptu play session from midnight til 2 am but it was dude weekend and that is what they wanted to do.
Well this week the beautiful spring weather returned so every evening we have been going for walks or just hanging out outside.  The Maple tree in the front yard has been shedding its helicopters (yes, official term) and when we were out one bonked Min on the head and he was facinated with it.

We also went to the park and (without his fathers consent) tried out a swing.  I always thought this kind of swing was for the teeny tiny guys but the fine print said 2-3 years old.  I only had him in for a second, but he didn't seem to mind.

Mino really is enjoying paper at this phase of his life.  He loves to rip it up and listen to the crinkling sound it makes when his grubby little fists grab on to it.  It is actually pretty funny but we have to be careful if we have anything important around because he is reaching out and lunging for things and grabbing them pretty skillfully. 

I managed to capture a picture of his head that kind of shows this misshapenness that I have been referring to, it is still kinda hard to see, he needs his flat top poof to be wet to really see it but you can kind of see the trapezoid shape his head has form the top here:
And this one Martin pointed out to me as far as normal baby but funny looking porportions:
His head looks HUGE and his trunk looks super long and his legs look more like little stumps.  Poor guy, so goofy looking.
We also got a couple family pictures when we were outside with the camera.


Mino has been continuing his eating adventure and is into food, Big Time.  He loves it.  Until he is full then he is over it.  But the kid can eat a jar at a time. 
And bath time.  Mino loves his baths.  When he is cranky we whip out that inflatable duck tub and he is happy as a clam.  And here is demonstrating his new double fisting technique.  Literally, not like his mom with her gin and tonics this weekend.  Two fists.  One mouth. 

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable. Don't worry about the swings - Sofia loved them her first summer, and Amalia loves them now. We get her going really high! and what is it with babies and paper? That's Amalia's favorite thing, too. Love to see him grow up with your blog! Happy Mother's Day!
