Monday, May 21, 2012

7 months old, what?!

It is a little known fact that I have a mixed family.  I have a white Uncle Jim and a black Uncle Jim -

  Well I used to, now I just have two bald Uncle Jims  - of which the used to be white one came to the Twin Cities for a robotics conference thanks to his cool publishing job at MIT.  Anyway, Mino got to meet his first member of the extended family.  Unfortunately he just learned how to excrete boogers through his eyes and had a mild case of pink eye so wasn't the happiest little camper. 

 Here is is the next morning, it almost looks like Bells Palsy.   Poor little guy. . .
 But it didn't keep him from getting out on the town.  We went to Minnehaha Falls with my coworkers and Mino took in his first waterfall.  I briefly considered a solo shot but then quickly remembered the flack that Michael Jackson got holding his baby out over a ledge so changed my mind.  Yes, because I do consider MJ and Myself on the same plane.  I even capitalize our names the same.
 So I have Fridays off so Min and I get some good time together.  Martin is very against this hat, and I can see why, it is kinda girly.  Like I would wear it on a beach vacation no questions asked.  But it was hot (93 degrees - record high) and sunny so he needed extra super sun protection when we went outside and I thought he looked too cute for words so had to document.  But he probably won't wear the hat too often on the other days of the week.

 And last but not least, Minos 7 month photos!  I can't believe he cooperated, he isn't feeling well at all and we had a late night getting home but the kid is a champ and pulled it together.

Happy 7 months little boy, you are growing up in front of my eyes and I am so proud of your ability to ham it up no matter how you are feeling!

1 comment:

  1. So cute!!!! and I LOVE the hat. Little boys can be babies! Not girly at all. and he needs the sun protection, so there. Fridays he can rock it. :) Happy 7 months, little guy! You are adorable!
