Sunday, June 17, 2012

Swimming Pool

Life has settled down and wee little Min has not had too many new adventures this past week.  It is summer and we are settling down into normalcy now with this little human critter in our lives and have been having fun and slowing down.  We have a really good time just sitting in the back yard, reading or looking at the clouds.  Yeah.  Lack of sleep makes everything seem exciting doesn't it.  I lie, I don't have lack of sleep.  My sweet baby boy has been going to bed around 7-8 and sleeping until 6-7 in the morning so I have plenty of sleep.  I am just making up for the previous 7 months, thats it. . .

Here is sleepy little Mino after a trip to the grocery store.  His fat feet just kill me.  They are just so chunky.  You can't tell from this angle, but they are just hilarious. 
Here he is enjoying his little pool.  We are watching Otis while Nana and Granddude sail Lake Michican so actually this pool is half Otis' and half Minos. 

I barged in a for a bit.

I just wanted to show that my genetics have completely dominated this child.  Martin has amazing thin long legs.  Mino has mine.

Martin has been wanting a gas grill since we moved here, last summer I didn't have a job and this spring everything there was rocky so I wouldn't let him buy one.  But with our anniversary and Fathers day in the same week, I felt it was time.  I had NO idea how expensive grills were though.  I gave Martin a budget thinking I was being a high roller and that didn't cover but one grill.  Oh well, he has been cooking a bunch now (see the next picture ;) ) and it is awful pretty!

My heart just melted with this scene.  After fun swimming in the pool I had to run out to get some wedding presents, I was getting ready and came out to the living room to say good bye to my boys and this is how I found them.  Cuddled up, napping in the sun.  I love them both so much!
 Oh, and he has now graduated from finger painting to using a brush at daycare.  We went out to dinner last night and he got to sit in a high chair for the first time and the hostess brought him crayons.  Call me crazy, but he is a baby right?!  What babies know what to do with art tools?  Well I guess kids these days are quite advanced.   Oh and this picture finally has Martin and me convinced that perhaps we should address the Donald Trumpness of our son's hair.  It is a bit out of control.

And last but not least I think he will be on the move soon.  He has been lunging like whoa as of late.  He will do everything within his power to not end up on his belly but if this keeps up he will be on it and he will realize that lifting up and crawling is cool. .

And P.S. Min does not need a helmet.  He met with the plastic surgeon who said that all is well so long as he isn't lounging around on his back except for sleeping.

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