Sunday, June 3, 2012

Baby tour 2012 (really I forgot my camera at home so have an inbetween post going on here)

Well since last posted we have actually done quite a bit even though the pink eye illness spread to Martin who has been battling a cold and uncomfortableness for two weeks now.  Poor Martin catches every sickness that poor Mino drags home from daycare.  Anyway we went up north, I turned 31, we went sailing and shopping and have done a lot, but will have to wait til next week for pics that aren't from my phone.  (I apologize, I went on an instagram kick this week)

Mino has really taken to sitting up and prefers to be sitting as opposed to resting on his back or god forbid tummy time.  But the one thing that trumps sitting is standing.  The kid loves to stand.  He can't pull himself up or anything but will lock his little chubby legs when we try to put him into a sit so that he can stand.  When he can stand he can terrorize.  I think that is why he likes it.  He prefers full glasses of water, beer mugs, the bottom piece of paper from a large stack to play with while standing up against a table.  I don't have any pictures to go along with that, but that is what is up with the Min this week.

Wallace loves to peer out the window and Mino sees Wallace and Portos as his role models right now and loves to peer out along with him. 
Another cool thing that has been going on is when Mino first gets up in the morning (thankfully usually somewhere around 7) he is a very happy baby and his happy to sit and play by himself for a long while.
He is also probably teething as he is obsessed with chewing now, he grabs my hand and puts my knuckle in his mouth and chews it.  Later in the day he isn't quite as self contained.
He wants to be doing what we are.  That includes eating.  I don't know much about what babies are supposed to eat or anything.  The internet is dangerous because you can find approval for whatever thing you are looking for.  We have kept it simple thus far but he really really wanted Martins Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese.  I know enough that that is a no no right now.  And quickly learned from the second picture that ice cubes are a no-no.  Martin perfected his finger sweep technique right after this because Mino inhaled it.  Whoops.  All I can say is good thing Martin was the one to give him the cube.  Oh  - same time - we gave him a tomato but I guess you are supposed to wait on that too due to acid or something lame like that.
Min really likes grass too.  We usually set him on a blanket which he quickly pulls at until he can reach the grass.  We aren't primo pooper scoopers though, and Peef likes to pee everywhere so for this age the blanket is probably best.
These two are just funny because he looks like a middle aged man baby.

We are bad parents and let him come into our bed sometimes.  Usually in the morning if he wakes up at 5 or 6 to eat and we aren't ready to get up with him.  This day he came in around 530.  Martin and I woke up each on our respective edges of our queen size bed with these two goons snuggling in the middle of the bed.
Lets see. . . we went to Target and learned that Mino loves him a shopping cart.  And all the little older ladies love Mino.  One child asked me if I was sure he was a boy because he really looks like a girl.  I told him that I was sure. 
Ooh, I forgot, we went on a baby tour 2012 again recently.  My good buddy MacK recently had a little peanut named Micah.  And I recently learned that her brother lives here in the cities  and that she was coming to visit him! Score.  I got to meet Micah and see MacK for the first time since my wedding!  I have to give her props, flying with an 8 week old terrifies me to the core but they did it.  I think Micah was a bit out of sorts with all the new stuff going on.  He was happy near his mommy

But a little out of sorts when left alone with Mino.
Happy again with his mom.  I boxed out MacK in this one because while she is no where near vain I think that she would be happier with me not putting this face up ;)

Then on the way back we stopped in to visit little Abigail who is so much more alert and awake than last time.
The common thread that I noticed is that Mino likes to touch the little babies.  He is reaching for them in every picture.
And in closing, I was taking pictures of his little eye lashes because I am jealous and may bring this to a eye lash extentionist (yes that is a word google!) and say "give me these" some day.    Well then I heard an ominous tone from the diaper region and have to say that this cute face is actually Minos pooping face.

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