Sunday, July 22, 2012

9 months, full term in life

This week we really just settled down after our weekend whirlwind in Boston.   We had a Friday filled with Doctor appointments and my little Mino turned 9 months old on Saturday!
There is a great program that I heard about that checks infants eyes for any significant problems when they are 6-12 months old called InfantSee.  Anyway, we went and Mino got cleared and is WNL (within normal limits for those who are not dental charters)
 After the eye doctor we went to the Travel Clinic to make sure he didn't need anything special for our trip to Argentina, and he got out scott free there with no shots.  After we got home Mino practiced standing in his crib and gave me heart failure and motivation to lower him on down so he can start up on his Olympic gymnast career early by flipping out and landing on his oversized noggin.  He is so close to crawling but just kinda stops before.  However, when he is standing, which is constantly, he is starting to take steps so I think he is going to walk before crawling.
 And we hung out with Uncle Otis.  Otis who once attacked a mailman is so gentle with the baby, who does not return that same sentiment.  His favorite thing to do is pull Otis' tail and examine the clumps of fur on his sticky little hands.
 He is getting to be too mobile for these photo shoots to work out very well, maybe Benadryl is in order for 10 months.  He tried eating the bear. . .
 Examining the 9 . .
 Hamming it up for the camera . . . .
 Ripping up the 9 . . . .
 Then focusing on grass.  Not his mother who is dodging dog poops to get the perfect angle to capture his cute little mug.
 And to cap off the evening we went for a cookout with my cowokers.  AT is prego with twins so Mino gave her a run for her money.  All in all it was a fun night.

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