Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th Little Mino!

Disclaimer - if baby booties are not your thing go to a different web site as this is the post that Mino will kill me for in the future.  Oh well, I have ten or eleven years until that part comes. It has been hot hot hot here which means lots of time cooling off in the water - be it the little pool in the back yard or the big pool for swimming lessons or bath time.  We also celebrated the 4th, went to a state park, and just chilled out at home enjoying our central air.

 We were thinking about having a BBQ with my coworkers to celebrate the fourth but as we watched forecasts and the high creeped from 92 up to 101 we decided that sitting around a hot grill may not be so fun and sitting outside may not be too enjoyable.    So we, the family of three, hung out inside and cheesy mom attempted a photo op but failed with the focus.

Benjamin has been trying to pull himself up now, but only when in a body of water which makes me think that he is just too much of a chunker to do it without lesser gravity.  In the tub and in the pool he tries to climb up you to get to a standing position.  Today, he got sidetracked on the way there and we got this amazing pose.  We were just going to sit out for a bit then decided it was too hot so put him in sans poo protector.

He has fun just sitting outside the pool as well

And is always happy surrounding the pool so we managed to get some cute pictures.  Again, baby booty!  Considering how quick these first few months have gone it seems to me that it is going to be a blink of the eye before it is really inappropriate for me to see his naked toosh so I have to enjoy now.
Last weekend I was itching for an adventure so packed up the hubby, dog and baby and headed out to Banning State Park forgetting that this is Minnesota and it is summer which means the Mosquito rules the forest and no one can compete with it as top dog.  We tried.  Fail.  We used the back pack that my parents used for me as a wee one after a less than successful attempt with the Ergo on the back and it worked!
Notice the lack of Minos head in the second one.  He fell asleep!  Great! He was so relaxed and comfortable.  NOT!  Remember how I mentioned a heat wave, well when he awoke he was soaked and all the sunscreen pooled on his arms and then he probably rubbed it right in his eyes because he was an angry baby until we got him out of his carrier after the hike. 
I think we'd try again maybe in cooler weather.

This week for swimming lessons I got in the pool.  It is fun but as of yet I don't think it is worth the money I paid, I could have just brought him to open swim as we aren't really learning anything or doing anything other than holding them and walking through the water.
Mino has been fighting sleep like whoa.  He does not want to miss out on anything and as a result gets a little crack baby personality.  This video isn't quite to that level of frenzy, but is close. 

And in closing, cute Mino pictures!!

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