Saturday, August 18, 2012

Portos is Back in Business - Argentina will have to wait

Finally, after nearly two weeks in residence at the Emergency Vet Clinic Portos returned to our house on August 10. (Yes August 10, the day we were supposed to be arriving in Argentina.  That trip has been postponed until October.  All things considered maybe for the best as that way the Felices' get to spend his first birthday with him and his abuela has a little more time to recover some energy.) He went from being a limp noodle to sitting up in his kennel on his chest overnight about three days after his second surgery.


 His neurologist was so kind as to text us a picture of him doing something other than looking like a carpet.  He couldn't walk, he couldn't let us know he needed to go to the bathroom, but he could eat and wasn't in pain and got the get out of jail card.
 His surgeon and neurologist and his personal nurse all got to like the little food monger in those two weeks.
We recruited Nana to come help as a crippled dog and teething baby and neurotic dog and cat/dog were a bit much for us to handle on our own.  Peef was basically a newborn, he needed to be carried outside every 3-4 hours and held up the whole time in the front and back as he couldn't support any weight on his legs. 

The vets advised us to keep in close proximity to him as he had people around him 24/7 at the ER Vet and was on lots of drugs and was in a werid place so we set up camp in the living room over night to make sure he wasn't wetting himself or getting into too much trouble

And since then he has made gigantic leaps and bounds towards recovery.  Two days ago he started to get up and walk on his own if we were in the kitchen.  This dog is so majorly food motivated that if he thinks there is food and he isn't part of it he wills himself onto his wobbly legs and makes a run of it towards the kitchen.  Then yesterday at his follow up visit at the vet they said to let him do that as he needs to re-learn his balance.  He is still on a strict bed/cage rest for 6 weeks but manages to get up for an adventure every now and again.

And now moving on to the namesake of this here little blog, Mino. His photos have taken a downward spiral these last couple weeks.   Little fella now has his two lower incisors and one of his top central incisors (F,O and P) E is doing its darndest to bust through and he hasn't been too happy about it.  He also now can roll all around very efficiently, pull himself to a stand anywhere there is something to hold on to, crawl backwards and just starting forwards, go from a lying down position to a sit and unplug many electrical devices.  What a talented little fella.

He won't let me pull at his lips to get a good view of his teeth, so I will have to wait until he is sound asleep to get pictures of those but I do have these. . .Look at that evil little look on his face as he is about to destroy our entertainment center.  He is loving playing peek-a-boo over the coffee table too.
I got him some new pajamas. .
Oh!  Another new hobby of his is grabbing everything nasty and horrible and quickly stuffing it into his mouth.   We have spent a lot of time sitting in the front yard while Portos rests or drunkenly walks around which gives him lots of great things to eat such as rocks, sticks, grass, moss, bugs, leaves. . .

And he is not too happy if you take these things away from him. . .
But as long as he is supervised he has lots of fun.
Otis finally returned home after nearly four weeks visiting us and it is very strange to not have to fear thunderstorms for the repurcussions it brings with him, or to try to step over him while carrying our obese paralyzed dog just in time for him to stand up and try to knock everyone down, or spend mass quantities of time to get him up the three front stairs and through the scary "hallway" or vacuum up the enormous amounts of fur.  Wait, it sounds like I am complaining, I am not, but he takes up a lot of energy compared to our lazy mutt.  And in all of this poor Wallace has been shuttled completely to the back burner.  So in closing here are the two other neglected men in my life. .
Yes, I can admit it, I am kinda hooked on instagram.
We did have other visitors, Mari and Michelle made a pitstop on their move from Seattle, WA to State College, PA.  They along with their cat Bailey and dog Humphrey stayed for two nights.  They were busy visiting Kate and Claude - wait I lie - visiting wee little Abigail so we didn't get any pictures of them but they were here and it was really nice to see them twice in one year after going probably fives years since seeing Mari last!

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