Wednesday, August 22, 2012

10 months old and a new form of terrorism has emerged

My sweet little boy is 10 months old and has just mastered the art of crawling.  August 19th Mino decided he wanted to get to Portos' food bowl, so he did, and knocked it over and spilled its contents and continues to do so every time there is anything in it - good thing Peef is such a pushover.

Sorry for the sideways filming, I rotated my camera and I guess it went the wrong way.

He has mastered the art of solid food and only gags every now and again - is in love with those Gerber Puff things and still carrots.  Sleep is not going so well right now, I am blaming it on teething and hoping that we didn't accidentally create a monster by letting a poor sick little baby sleep in our bed.  He has been horrible. He falls asleep between 7-9 and sleeps well in his crib until we go to bed.  I think it is the lack of sound that wakes him up.  But as soon as I go to bed Martin retires to - lets call it his office - for appx 1-1.5 hours of which Mino is waking up and screaming every 10-15 minutes for his Pepe. He finally calms down for about an hour then wakes up every hour on the hour until we bring him to bed where it is much easier to plug the pepe in without having to get up.  He is officially sound asleep around 6-630 am just in time for my alarm to go off.  He is so darn cute though, that after my coffee (which I drink daily now) I love him again ;)  Heres hoping for the rest of those teeth to just push on through.

Without futher ado, his 10 month pictures.  It was a Tuesday again which meant that I had to work late which meant rushed photos in the AM - I couldn't find the white blanket so these may not fit in quite as well. .

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