Friday, September 21, 2012

11 Months Old

Well, we made it, one month shy of one year old.  No new tricks since last time, but gearing up for the big first steps.  He loves to give High Fives and Down Lows, he loves to throw the football (or really anything but I like to think he favors his football) at us and have it throw it back at him.  He can not be stopped from splashing in any form of water - especially Portos' water bowl.  He loves to pick things up to eat on his own but still isn't great with anything that doesn't dissolve easily or is really soft.  Just mastered the art of cruising around his crib and bouncing at the sides.  When one has enough patience Min will wave hi/bye but sometimes it takes quite a bit of coaxing.  Is starting to at least acknowledge the words "No Benjamin".  Still holding on strong with three teeth - which I managed to finally get a picture with two of them!!!
Not the greatest shot, but the teeth are visible!  I don't think his smile line will ever be high enough to show the top one, I barely can feel up there when I brush his little teeth.

Last weekend we went to a celebration at Abigail's church welcoming her into the club.  Rae was here visiting from Hawaii so we got to see the whole clan.
Later that day I got one of my recent favorite photos of the little guy.  It was really warm that day and he was dressed up in a little collared shirt, well he took a nap on my chest and woke up really warm.  Then I stole his Pepe. . . this happened. . .
Is it horrible that I love that picture.  And if you look close you can see those lower teeth too!!
He also has finally found a sippy cup that he can use - granted he just gets a big mouthful of water and spits it out, but it is functioning properly and he is able to hold it.
 Other than that, lame big Momma has only really done the 11 month photos.

Oh yeah.  I win horrible mother of the year award.  I love the Green Bay Packers.  Beyond love, during football season my blood is not red, it is green and gold.  I will not miss a Packer game for much of anything- in college I had a band concert which I faked played and listened to the game on a headset.  I have watched games in Mexico and Argentina.  Well, this season I failed miserably and did not have attire for my little son to watch the game.  I attempted to rectify that by purchasing a shirt online - but then I saw these little leg warmer things that are probably for little baby girls but I just couldn't help myself.  Too cute.

 And this is his new spitty face.

Friday, September 14, 2012

A quick trip back to the Bean

So since Benjamin turned 9 months old or so  - two MONTHS ago - his sleeping has reverted back to the days of yore when he was a fresh young vampire and loved the night and torturing his hard working mother.  He has been sleeping great until 10:30 or 11 when we go to bed then he has been waking every couple hours and needing to eat/held every 4 or so.  Needless to say we have been a bit tired (and with our high maintenance cripple dog and evil night terrorist cat) and looking forward to a full night sleep.  The trip to Boston was to attend one of Martin's friends from grad schools weddings in Narraganset which meant a night with Auntie Sarah and Uncle Aaron in charge - and a full night with no baby or pets for an exhausted mom and dad.  Well, to summarize, we were up a lot and the baby slept 11 hours with Sarah and Aaron.

Now I recently had my camera's sensor cleaned as it had some dust and other particulates inside which left a bunch of black spots all over my pictures.  Well, in my infinate brilliance I brought my freshly cleaned camera but forgot my CF card at home so no fancy camera photos - this post will be solo iPhone photos.

This time flying was much easier, having Martin along and having a direct flight made it seem easier than driving to WI.  He enjoyed walking around touching all those gross terminal chairs.

 Upon arriving he quickly asserted his dominance of Gryff by eating his bone.
 Then Martin embarked on a journey back to Novartis to introduce Mino to his old coworkers.  Let me take a step back.  Martin really likes his soon to be brother in law Aaron.  They enjoy dressing alike whenever possible.  Well, this was taken to the next level this weekend as Boston had a very hot sticky airmass and we dressed for fall so Martin needed to wear Aarons shorts and shoes as he didn't bring summer attire.  Martin was introduced to the "dad short" not so sure why it is called that as I think it looks way better than cargo shorts - but I am a mom and maybe my tastes have changed.  He was elusive in photos with them like a yeti - one action shot was captured though - mid stride - again - like a yeti. 

Martin and Mino took the T to Cambridge.  Minos first train ride was captured, and I wish I had video of the stares he was giving some of the customers. . . 
Anyway, after that meeting Saaron and I met up with the dynamic male Felices duo for a touristic jaunt around Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market that was cut slightly short by a severe thunderstorm.

 To avoid the rain we ducked into a restaurant that served "yankee type cooking" not the NY kind, mind you.  It was OK and Aaron enjoyed being the custodian of the wee little Mino. 
 We made it back home around 830 or 9 and mind you Mino fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes during the entire day so was a wild animal at night.  I got a video but it was waaaaay too long to put up on here.  We call him crack baby when this happens.  Some people were slightly horrified that we thought this was funny and OK so we may have to change the name when he starts repeating what we say, but for lack of a better explanation, he was a wild crack baby that night. 
 The next morning Min and I ventured back to Harvard Square to meet up with Erin and Marisa for brunch.  Marisa got to show off her fancy new engagement ring and I got to show off my dear son who was not in the best of moods after his wild evening the night before.

 I had to rush back to get everything ready to go to RI and to leave Saaron in charge of Mino.  I told them to take lots of pictures so they could put up a guest post.  They respectfully declined but aside from the solid 11 hours of sleep I do know that Mino spent the night on Gryff's tempurpedic dog mattress and enjoyed a sound machine.  They did fashion a hanging ball for him to bat using lacy and an exercise ball as well.  Details were a bit sketchy. 
Here are some pics of big momma and Martin - evidence why self portraits are no good: 
Taken by others (be it in poor light)
I like it, I feel as if we look good. . . then. . .  self portrait !
We returned in time to catch some Sunday Football with Amanda and Levi and Bruno who brought a surprise visitor Laurie, and John and Emily and Eloise.  Sadly Eloise was too much woman for Gryff to handle so we couldn't have everyone in the same room.  Hopefully after the neutering (Sept 20th!!) we can try again and not have to have them separated by two doors.

 Last but not least.  Minos new cage.  In the morning we need something to contain him while we are getting ready or he will dump the dog water and try to fall down the steps before we would even know what is happening.  Lets hear it for the Pack N Play!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Holy Balls!

Benjamin has discovered a new hobby, and I think he is better at it than either me or Martin, he plays tether ball.   Or the baby equivalent of tether ball.
One morning as I was dropping him off at daycare I saw Naheed  (his number one lady at daycare) stringing up a beachball from a string dangling from the ceiling.  That evening Martin reported that he really liked it, then the next day I watched as he continually hit the ball for about two minutes.  The boy has some amazing hand eye coordination.

What else - on a side note it was the Minnesota State Fair and my coworker Jen who is born and raised here in the cities knows the best route to see all the critters and eat all the best fried food on a stick so she hosted us.

 I took a moment to empathize with the cows.  I know how it feels gurrls.
 With Mino's new crawling we really need to watch him as apparently he wants to escape.
 We went out to dinner at Maynards on Lake Minnetonka and introduced Mino to feeding fish/ducks/evil Canada Geese.
 For the long Labor Day Weekend we went up north to spend some time with Auntie Sarah and the granddude and Nana.  Good times (too good for some of us) were had by all.  Mino prefers to be naked (or clad in just a diaper)

 He decided to pass out after having too much fun.  The water wasn't quite as warm as it was last time we were up so he wasn't in too much. he rather enjoyed crawling around on the sand and hitting the buckets.
 Eating is becoming more and more exciting for the little goon.  He is in love with his Gerber Puffs which probably aren't the best thing in the world, but he loves them and they don't make him choke.  We also have let him have what we are, and this morning was banana. 

 Oh and one last thing, Mino is a bouncer!  So cute!!  The sound effect is his new favorite sound to make when he is entertained.