Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Holy Balls!

Benjamin has discovered a new hobby, and I think he is better at it than either me or Martin, he plays tether ball.   Or the baby equivalent of tether ball.
One morning as I was dropping him off at daycare I saw Naheed  (his number one lady at daycare) stringing up a beachball from a string dangling from the ceiling.  That evening Martin reported that he really liked it, then the next day I watched as he continually hit the ball for about two minutes.  The boy has some amazing hand eye coordination.

What else - on a side note it was the Minnesota State Fair and my coworker Jen who is born and raised here in the cities knows the best route to see all the critters and eat all the best fried food on a stick so she hosted us.

 I took a moment to empathize with the cows.  I know how it feels gurrls.
 With Mino's new crawling we really need to watch him as apparently he wants to escape.
 We went out to dinner at Maynards on Lake Minnetonka and introduced Mino to feeding fish/ducks/evil Canada Geese.
 For the long Labor Day Weekend we went up north to spend some time with Auntie Sarah and the granddude and Nana.  Good times (too good for some of us) were had by all.  Mino prefers to be naked (or clad in just a diaper)

 He decided to pass out after having too much fun.  The water wasn't quite as warm as it was last time we were up so he wasn't in too much. he rather enjoyed crawling around on the sand and hitting the buckets.
 Eating is becoming more and more exciting for the little goon.  He is in love with his Gerber Puffs which probably aren't the best thing in the world, but he loves them and they don't make him choke.  We also have let him have what we are, and this morning was banana. 

 Oh and one last thing, Mino is a bouncer!  So cute!!  The sound effect is his new favorite sound to make when he is entertained.

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