Monday, November 5, 2012

Partying around the world - First Birthday Party in Argentina

My Mino is 12 months old, 1 year old.  Holy Cannoli!!  He still can't walk on his own, but runs when you hold both of his hands.  He still only has 4 teeth but I can see G protruding from his gums getting ready to pop out.  He is now throwing tantrums, which I didn't anticipate for at least another year.  He flails himself backwards with no respect for the brick wall or sharp corner behind his head.  He loves food, bread especially.  He is off the boob for the most part, he gets one overnight if he wakes up in the middle of the night to knock him back out, but is drinking whole milk most of the time.  Isn't really saying words but is immitating sounds and motions like no other.  I suppose if I wanted to I could say he is talking, but they aren't words, they are more grunts that he consistently uses for certain things.  He loves dogs and cats.  He doesn't like hats or hoods.  He likes to go up and down stairs, but doesn't quite get that mom and dad holding his hands while he runs as fast as he can down stairs is saving his life.  He is dirty enough now to warrant a bath every day.  Ok, now to the party bits.

So, starting with a bit of a hiccup, or should I say nasty cough our trip looked a little shaky the night before.  Recall we were supposed to go in August but Portos, AKA the 8,000 dollar dog, decided that we didn't want us to leave him then and got sick.  The night before the flight Mino was up every 5 minutes coughing and was very congested to the point that he got antibiotics and steroids to help keep his airways clean for the flight. But, after 12.5 hours in the air, two flights, a cab ride with a sketchy car seat, nearly three hours of screaming we made it to Argentina, per usual, in the rain.   Most importantly the first night we were there Mino got to meet his sweet little cousin Clara who is one day shy of one month younger than him.

 The next day we got to preparing and set the house up for the party.  When all was said and done there were no balloons so Abuelo had to run out, and for $75 pesos got one pack of balloons.  There is more than a slight recession going on down in Argentina at the moment.
 I had made two banners of the monthly pictures I had taken of Mino for decoration and hung them up to show off my perfect little birthday boy.
Martin's family put together a fantastic spread with a ton of people to celebrate!  First and foremost, if in Argentina, Mino must have some meat to eat right???
 He was enjoying hanging out with Clarita in the wagon, decidedly the coolest thing to do in Argentina according to my wee little man.
 Delfi and Luchi had a good time being caretakers to the little ones and pulled them all over the back yard.

 Martin's cousins Cata, Maria and Toia came to visit - Cata and Toia stayed with us in Boston right before we got married so it was great to see them again.
 Adults are talking and Mino is like, pshaw, I don't know all that Spanish, pull me in the wagon!  He had more fun with all the boys rough housing.  He and Felix were good buds.
 A group shot of the cousins - except Clarita.
 I brought some party hats down to celebrate and Mino and Clara enoyed them the most I think.

 After all the eating was cake time.  Not to be outdone, a double decker Dulce de Leche coated cake covered with M&M's.  I like to call it "Dentist's Dream" cake.
 It was the beginning of a mean habit of obsessing over his next taste of Dulce de Leche, a genetic trait he inherited from his father.
 The closest to a family shot from the day!
 Then it was present time, or should I say swarm the room that has all the cool bags time.  The kids helped Mino open presents, he isn't quite at the stage that he likes to do that.  He got a coloring book, some clothes, a bulldozer, a giraffe that kicks balls, Spanish books and a DVD in Spanish, a super cool backpack and a robe.