Sunday, June 16, 2013

Auntie Gingah is a Doctah

About two days after returning from Hawaii we left to go to Boston to watch Sarah graduate. And I have to give photo credit to my dad, the Granddude, I failed at grad photos so I stole most of them from his pics!!!!!!
 Nana and Granddude were making a go of it visiting GG in Philly and then jetting up to Boston for the weekend for the graduation.  We all made it on time though.  Round about seven months ago Nana and I had a very inspiring moment when we stumbled on an old picture of Sarah from elementary school playing dentist.  (We used to go to my dads office after school to be watched by the front desk women - Lorraine, Sandy, Toni. . .  poor lasses)  We knew shirts needed to be made.  However, our execution was sub par, we forgot until week of.  Nana in her infinite wisdom overnighted them to Boston to ensure we would embarrass her!
I had my shirt on under my get up, you can see the white.  If you graduate from Tufts you can hood your subsequent family, Sarah ran that risk and it was actually a great time.  I got to catch up with my former boss who was an amazing mentor and get pictures from the front.

After the ceremony we had the grand reveal, and Sarah actually really liked the shirts and wasn't embarrassed at all.  Oh well, we were the coolest family in that joint.
Mino tried to show respect to Auntie Gingah but as having more fun running around the yard and making Martin work for his dad of the year badge.

Here we are, Martin wasn't a fan of the shirts, so while he did wear it, and we do have pictures, on his honor on this here Father's Day I will leave him out of the shot.
 Jim, Cheryl and Liz came to watch too.  Again, our last minute infinite wisdom didn't think to get shirts for them - Whoops!  It was fantastic to catch up with them and especially Liz who has been globe trotting and earning prestigious awards. 
That part was the least fun for Mino, and the title of this thing is Benjamino's life, so I suppose I should get off my Gingah kick and back to the meat and potatoes.  He loves Gryff.  He and Gryff could be left alone to babysit each other I think.

The bitter sweet part of the trip was saying goodbye to the condo in Boston.  Martin got it two months before he proposed to me, we lived there while I was in school and through my first job, through the Packer victory in the Superbowl and early pregnancy with Mino.  Many good times were had so we had to make the rounds and say our good byes.  JP Licks was an OK one in Mino's book.

The last two trips to Boston I managed to bugger up and not get this picture, here it is, our street.  So long Gartland!!  You were great to us for 5 years and will be missed. 

And the beauty of the weekend was that it wasn't over yet.  Auntie Em was having her baby shower so Mino and I headed to Arlington for the fiesta.  I opted for public transportation, epic fail.  45 minutes late and a pick up later after exiting out a random door far far away from everything because that is where elevators deposit you I arrived.  What an amazing party. Em's friend Jackie knows how to get down.

 Mino had a great time chilling with his main girl Eloise and taking man tips from Jbone.  I didn't get Mino with Em because, 1, he was more entertained with ladies of the 4 legged variety, and 2, I know how much I loved 9 month prego shots.  Auntie Chill was there too but I failed at pictures.  It is much more difficult to document every waking moment when every waking moment is spent chasing this Rastafarian child around.
 And due to my slacking blogging skills, her baby shower pictures are going up the day her baby arrived!  Welcome Jack!!  We can't wait to meet you!!!!!

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