Monday, June 17, 2013

Cville Quickie and oops we did it again.

A quick update on things.  We have been wicked busy these last few months.  I have been job hunting and dealing with work drama which culminated on Friday with my last ever dealing with my former job.  I have a new job and feel the weight of the world off my shoulders.  I miss my coworkers but am so glad to come home and be a good mom and wife and not just melt into the couch and stew about the horrors and drama of my day.  I started my new job the day after we got back from Hawaii and my last day at my old job was the very next day.  I have friends forever from my former job and learned a lot about what to watch out for and to trust your instincts as far as red flags are concerned.  

We sold and closed on our place in Boston and have started our house hunt here in MN - will write more about that once I have something to write about.

And I got pregnant.  The fetus formerly known as the deuce (Sarah had dibs on that baby name already) is arriving in November.  I should find out what it is in the next couple weeks so will have a post dedicated to the rocking of poor little Minos world that is on the horizon.

We zoomed back to Clintonville for Auntie Sarah's bridal shower and her bachelorette party.  For many reasons, the most important being Mino isn't in the party pics, those won't be shown on here.  Sarah is in the prime of wedding years and has been to many weddings and bachelorette parties as of late so really wanted something low key.  I brought Mino with me for the weekend thinking he'd have some good Granddude time, but the dude was at the boat, so Mino got some lady time.

He helped open presents and have people who were bored with the shower something else to pay attention to.  Forgive me April if you look at this and see that terrible picture.  It was just so terrible for so many reasons I had to make it blogworthy.

The dude came back on Sunday so he got a bit of Mino time.

I think I have said this several times, but Mino is all boy when it comes to interests.  He loves trucks, busses, cars, wheels, airplanes and can say all of those words and see them before you do.  It just blows my mind because it isn't something that we spend lots of time talking about at home or focusing on, I guess he just really likes it.  Granddude loves the prospect of a potential car guy in the house.

 And now that he can climb he is into and onto everything.  Here is a bucket formerly used to house dog toys, Ben was hauling it around the house all morning then decided he could sit in it. How fun!
And has learned to get onto things, I didn't manage to snap a photo of him standing on the back of the sofa due to sheer panic on my part, but here he is stomping along to Happy Feet on the table before I swiped him down.  He knows what no means, and knows he isn't supposed to.  How do you not laugh when they are so obviously being consciously naughty?

1 comment:

  1. yay for climbing! In my career as a pediatric PT I've gotten lots of pics like the table one from moms saying "thanks so much for teaching my kiddo this!" (with a mix of true thanks and total sarcasm!) I love the pics of him in the car too. =) Oh yeah, and congrats on the pregnancy!
