Friday, November 1, 2013

Summer 2013 Finale

I'm back after a major hiatus.  To say things have been hectic is an understatment.  I figure in these next two weeks things are going to ramp up even more so I better get these pictures posted or my memory is going to succumb to sleep deprivation again :)

The end of summer was a mad scramble to have some fun and to get things ready to move to the new house.  We took a lot of trips to Home Depot and they are so kind as to give the little ones balloons.  Ben would not drop his, even after he fell asleep.  It was pretty cute.

We also took more than a few trips to Ikea with the planning for the new kitchen and acquired a tent for Mino.  It acts more as a pen in which he rolls and screams than a place to hide and nap, but hey, he loves the thing.  He dragged his chair into it (partly, Martin helped the rest of the way) and used it as his little throne until Wallace stole it.
We did take a break from all the boring home stuff to go to the fair however.  This time was much more successful than the first.  We met with Sarah and Aaron's peeps and basically tried to eat as much as possible and go entertain the shorties.  Ben and Ellie are little buds (which works out quite nicely)
He got to go on his first carousel ride and LOVED it.  When it was time to deboard the enitre state of MN was aware that he was not too pleased that he couldn't just live on the thing. 

He also enjoyed the bumper boats.  He threw less of a fit getting off that but still.  I guess I forgot that he doesn't know that rides are temporary.  It is funny how much you realize you know when you see your little one experience it for the first time, stuff you take for granted.
We had to take one more ride on the carousel before we left, walking past was not an option.
The next day we met up with Sarah's peeps and Ellie at the beach.  That was a success too (until Mino Godzilla took out a sandcastle)
Bath time is no longer a guaranteed good time.  We have to have many props ready to go in case the mood turns sour.  This helmet (which was acquired through a purchase of Nachos. . . . ) came in handy for about 2 baths. 
And after many failed attempts, Ben finally likes to play in his tunnel.  Again, more rolling around in in than crawling through, but I have to make sure it is out of sight in the garage or else.
Big lesson learned for me at Walmart : always watch your child.  They like to crawl into displays.

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