Sunday, August 18, 2013

Benjamin won't be confused as a little girl for a little while

Now that the wedding of the century has passed we have had some free weekends to do with what we please.  We got to go up north for the first time (twice!!) in the last month and enjoy the lake and the family in a much more calm setting.  Mino decided he LOVES it up there, not for the fresh air or the water, not for the wildlife or family time, but for the carpeted floors.  He spends a good chunk of time spinning around and faking falls so he can roll around and crash on the carpet.  That and play with his cars in his garage.  He got to try Smores for the first time and enjoyed watching Gryff jump into the water.  The kid has no fear and will just walk out in the the water as if he floats.  We have to watch him closely.

After lovely Auntie Gingah gave poor wee Mino a hard time about his lucious locks and we went out to dinner and talked with the table next to us about our sweet little "girl" Martin and I decided to pull the trigger and cut his lovely hair.  Didn't go quite as smoothly as the first time, I had to hold him facing me on my lap while she quickly did her best trying to get it.  Didn't see that coming.  Can't wait to bring him to the dentist to fix those little teeth  - bring on the gas.

There are the befores that can be compared with the above afters.  I guess it was pretty long.

We have been fairly busy around here as well planning for the new pad.  We are closing on Sept 6 and want to get some work done around there before we move in so Ikea and Home Depot have been our regular sources of entertainment.  
We also asked Auntie and Uncle and Nana to come visit to help us make some decisions on the pad and that means that Mr. Gryff came along for the ride.  He and Min had a blast with the hose.

We went to Chatterbox Pub as well with the fam which I describe as an 80s basement because the furniture and the games are such.  Good times.  The perfect time to go out with our little beast is 2 pm.  Most families are done with lunch, no one is there for dinner, good old Minnesota has Happy Hour!!  Perfect.  Nana ordered a Mimosa that came in a 22 oz cup.  Amazing!! 
Our neighborhood had a Take Back the Night party for the first time on August 8 and it was great.  The coordinator is a member of a car collectors club so he got all of his buddies to come with their sweet whips to park along the road.  Mino LOVED it.  Especially the firetruck which the owner graciously allowed the kiddos to climb up on.

And just about Mino and his behaviors as of now.  He loves to help.  Anything we are doing he wants to help, he throws stuff into the garbage, he helps with laundry, he helps us yell at Portos and Wallace, he picks up his toys after he throws them around.  I have read that boys don't do as many things around the house as girls, well as Big Mamma to a house of soon to be 4 males and one female, that will not be the case.  He is a good helper.

Some other things just for memories sake.  He loves to sing right now.  When he is happy he is singing, and his song of choice is Baa Baa Black Sheep.  Martin was not familiar with that song (as most childrens songs have very similar tunes) and thought he was always singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.  We get a two for one so we don't go crazy with just one song.  He is parroting everything we say, he is putting 4 words together in thoughts of his own "More cereal please, milk" "I want it ball" this morning he said Cookie Monster, baby bunny, Wallace bite owie, play tent, I want to watch it (referring to the TV - whoops!).  It is just wild how quickly he has become a little person.  He says I love you back to use after we tell him.  He gives the best hugs. If he has pooped over night, when I walk in his room he says "Hi, I poop"

And he is angry.  If he gets frustrated he makes this loud grunting sound and starts to take swings in the air that terminate on his belly.  Then he walks over to the wall or the couch and continues to take swings.  It is hard not to laugh at it but I don't want to encourage it.  He is easily distracted to something else and he is happy again, but he sure does get angry.

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