Monday, September 14, 2015

Fuimos a Argentina!

We traveled to Argentina at the end of January for Jimmy to meet his Primos and for big mama and Martin to get some much needed R&R.  While it wasn't our first time flying with the two stooges, it was hands down the longest travel time we have taken them on.  Nothing like a welcome sign when leaving.

This was before the long flight. . .

 Martin had to renew his expired passport so we spent a few days in the city


 but quickly jetted down to Villa la Angostura to the Abus house in the south where everyone else was.  Words can not describe the increase in comfort in getting 4 seats over three. .
 Abu picked us up and whisked us to the house.
The "Casa del Sur" has an amazing back yard filled with crystal clear water and pebbles perfect for skipping.  The Abuela was beyond thrilled to get her hands on her two little American grandchildren.
Ben on the other hand was stoked to copy everything his big cousin Felix did including awesome ninja jumps off the fallen Cyprus bench.
Yeah, the scenery is ok.  The sun was incredibly strong though, you would burn in 15 minutes so we were pretty covered for most of the trip.
The lake is huge so when it is windy it can get pretty big waves and because the water is soo cold (glacial run off) one doesn't really tempt fate and kayak with weather, but we were lucky to get several days of dead calm to take out the kayaks. 

All the kids enjoyed the warm sun and eating rocks. 
But when the lake was a no go there was the Quad to keep everyone happy.
Martin's sister and family were all in the south as well.  You can't tell they are related at all can you?!
Martin proving that American cuisine is top notch.
 The cyprus is a theme in that area, the beaches and playgrounds and homes make use of the wood and it is just beautiful.  Beats plastic and laminate any day.

 Some of the best parts for me were the afternoon snack times on the porch.   Who's the fatty?!?

 Seriously though, who couldn't live under this umbrella forever breathing in the mountain air and taking in the view.

 Ben has his daddy's love for Dulce de Leche for breakfast.

We took a morning hike to the muelle de peidra that the community is named after.

Ben and Jimmy were tough and didn't let the frigid water deter them from some splashing.  About 10 minutes before this was an incident involving a poopy swimsuit, a rock, and a hole on the beach that we hoped no one would stumble upon until we were gone. 
We managed to get everyones faces, but getting five kids to look the same way is not humanly possible. 
Who needs a mattress to sleep on, they are way better to float on.
We got to enjoy several asados.  I don't know if it is the fresh air or pounds of salt but that meat can not be rivaled. 
The area is a ski resort in the winter so one day we ventured to the ski hill and took the chairlift up to get a birds eye view of Villa la Angustura
Three years ago a large ash plume covered the entire area with nearly a foot of ash.  Up on the top of the mountain were remnants of that ash, Ben felt very much like a super hero with the plumes of dust kicking up behind him when he was running.
I managed to get a picture trying to capture his ever elusive eye color.  Not too successful.  I still don't know what color those are going to be. . . Hazel?  Witch? I don't know.
Amazingly quickly we had to head back to the city to catch our flight back home.

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