Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fiesta for the Cumple de Carlos

At my job we have to request the time off that we want for the year in October or December of the previous year.  I usually have no idea what is going to happen but this year I was restricted to the days I chose.  I randomly chose the weekend of Carlos' 70th birthday.  They were thinking they should do something where they got all the grandkids together and since Diego and Mariela moved to Mexico we have been talking about going to see them, it ends up being a good spot in the middle so there we met for the big birthday.  I have already forgotten where we were staying but I do know that it had three pools and a great beach.
Ben really starting to embrace the water and was jumping in and swimming around using his water wings.  Leaps and bounds from the last time he was in water.  

 We got reservations at a nice restaurant for the actual birthday night and Carlos got his wish to have all his kids and grandchildren together with him. 
 Ben and Clara picked up where they left off in Argentina.  It was great to see everyone twice in such a short time because we didn't have to start with the awkward couple days, everyone remembered everyone and were friends. 
 They had these great lounge beds around the pool which the kids liked to jump on, and also served as great meeting spots when the Felices men headed off in different directions. 
 What I really wanted to do was get a full family shot on the beach, I had an epic fail moment getting one with myself in it but got a great one of everyone else together!!
 Delfi and Luchi.
 Clara was the big instigator for jumping into the pool for Ben I think, she has a pool in her back yard and two big siblings so it isn't a big deal for her at all. 
When it wasn't too windy we sat under the thatch huts at the beach, surprisingly there was never a shortage, we usually could secure three fairly close together. 

 Jimmy even tried to get in on the action. 

 They had a beautiful wooden walkway connecting the different facilities in the area, we didn't ask them to hold hands, sometimes they just do it.  It makes my heart full.

 The beach had a bar with swings rather than stools.  Pretty epic.  They didn't even kick the kids out when they bellied up to order pineapple juice. 

 Our room was amazing, we had an outdoor bathtub on our balcony with a view of the ocean.  It was a gleaming success of a vacation and wonderful to get everyone from three countries all together for such a special occasion. 

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