Thursday, September 8, 2016

Spring Break 2016: Captiva with Kids

In February Grandma died.  It was very sudden and very sad.  We didn't live near her at all, she didn't travel, we did't get to see her much but we did speak on the phone.  The big memories I have of her are playing scrabble, doing crossword puzzles and going to Florida.  Before she was even sick we had planned a trip to the island just south of where she and Grandpa had a house.  Doodoo just turned 65 and is retiring and they wanted to celebrate so we VRBOed and got a sweet pad on Captiva for Spring Break with Saaron and Nana and Doodoo.  It was even more fitting after she passed that we all got to be together in a place that reminds us all so vividly of her.
The place was a Spanish style abode.  I don't watch enough HGTV to elaborate futher on that.  It had a great courtyard, a screened in porch with a fireplace and bar, a backyard pool and plenty of space for all three families to be in the same space comfortably.

The house was down a short driveway and across the road from the beach. 

The main reason my grandma loved this place was the amazing shells at the beach.  They were pretty rough and tumble but plentiful, you couldn't walk down the beach without shoes because there were so many shells that get tossed in the surf and broken. 

Wee little Margot got her first dip in the ocean. 

Ben and Jimmy weren't too sure, they were bigger fans of the sand than the waves and water.  They were pool kids. 
Sarah made up for it.  I asked her to please leave the birds, I oh so much love the birds, their elegance and peacefullness. Then Sarah did this:
Carole Nana was a great sand castle builder.  Jimmy was a sand castle stomper.  Drama, drama, drama. 

Martin and Aaron were on spring break afterall. 
Nana and Doodoo were stoked to have all of us around. 
Being on the west coast of Florida yielded some sweet sunsets. 
The boys were not so much about the serene sunset but hoping to see ghost crabs or dolphins.  One evening we were down at the beach and a man was fishing and happened to snag a shark, the boys were stoked to see a real shark come out of the water where they were swimming.  They didn't go back in.
One night there was an amazing halo around the moon.

Aside from the shells and the amazing house and the ocean and the sun there was also amazing wildlife near by.  Ding Darling preserve was a short drive south in Sanibel and has amazing birding.  Carole Nana, Doodoo and I got up early one morning to go kayaking through the mangroves to go look for our avian friends.  Carole Nana is not one to throw caution to the wind, saftey first at all times. Especially when dangerous UV Rays are involved. 

Not long after setting off we saw a manatee in the water.

And plenty of birds.  So many birds.  I love birds.  LOVE BIRDS.

The less geeky contingent were home enjoying the pool.  I have never been one to long for a pool, I have always been a beach or river or lake kind of gal.  But now that there are chillins involved a pool is amazing.  They LOVED it and it wore them out. 

 Springbreak 2016!!!  (With children.)
Ben took his swimming to the next level, with his goggles he was unstoppable.  Without his goggles the world was ending and he couldn't sit beside the pool.  They gave him super powers I guess

The Red Sox and the Twins both do Spring Training in Fort Myers and as soon as Martin heard this is where we were going he was on top of getting tickets.  He managed to get tickets to two separate games but after realizing how amazing our pad was we decided to go to just one.  We had lawn seats, the weather was great, they had buckets of craft beer.  Top notch baseball entertainment. 

Margot was finally big enough to get in the tub with the boys.  So here it is, an obligatory group bath shot.  My heart is full.  Thanks so much to Carole Nana and Doodoo for the amazing spring break location and family get together.  I couldn't think of a better way to remember Grandma and spend time together.

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