Sunday, November 19, 2017

Catch up

So here is an insanely sparse summary of 2017 thus far:
 The orange beast was elected and it drew me from my sedentary life out to one of a rebel rouser and I went on my first Women's March.

 Guttormson and I went to Yankee Dental conference and got to meet up wiht some of the old dental crew which was very fun!!
 Daycare got tired of changing Jimmy's diapers so they took initiative to begin potty training (I wanted it to be done but wasn't ready to redo my carpets quite yet. . . )
 We went to Madison to see Saaron's place before they moved to their next one. . .
 One march is never enough so on we went to the Science March.
 The family went to a Twin's game.

 We went to Chicago for Memorial Day weekend AKA MY BIRTHDAY weekend and had a blast.  The Museum of Science and Industry had a Jurassic Park display which the kids LOVED and we did all the other usual touristy things. 

 The boys played soccer - one more than the other - ahem Jimmy.

 We played in the back yard.
 We went to Duluth for Auntie Ali's wedding. 
 We played some more in the yard. 
 We went to Madison to check out the new abode of Saaron and sweated in places that I did know I had but hadn't been acquainted with for a while.  They don't have AC. 

 Nana and Doodoo took the boys for a week to give Martin and I a week of break and relaxation and they got to go sailing.  They loved it and there was no blueberry morning aboard so no vomiting. 

 Caitlin and Bennett came to visit during the Minnesota State Fair so of course we partook.  Also who can resist the Rainforest Cafe??
 Ben and Martin took a trip to Disney World and Ben got to do the Jedi Training.  This trip was officially called a Kindermoon.  Yes that does exist in the world of Disney and yes Martin was thrilled. 

 Ben started Kindergarten!!  His teacher is Mrs. Stevens and after a few trips to the principals office the first couple weeks and a few naughty notes sent home we have settled into a good routine.
 If the Rainforest Cafe picture didn't tell, I got knocked up. 
 The kids maintained their cuteness (no bias at all here) although Ben is trying this new open mouth smile that I don't love. 
 Ben started Karate and got his gold stripe within the first month. He gets pieces of tape as achievements towards his next belt quite regularly so it appeals to his hoarder nature and we are hoping that it will instill some discipline in him. 

 Ben turned 6 and got the dirt cake he wanted!!

 We took our annual trip to Pinehaven Farms.

 We had fun Trick or Treating in the coldest Halloween for 10 years.  Ben was Optimus Prime and Jimmy was a ninja.

 We had a joint birthday party for the boys at Pump it Up with 12 of Ben's friends and 1 of Jimmy's. 
Jimmy turned 4 and got a chocolate dinsoaur cake with "eggs" that were far more reminiscent of poop than eggs!!

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