Monday, November 20, 2017

We survived a month with three

At one month old Louis likes the boob, does not have a regular poop cycle set up, is a solid sleeper (will go from 9-230 or 3 most nights!!), doesn't spit up, grunts and snorts like none other, has ticklish feet, loves hot baths and hates his car seat. 
 I had to keep the tradition alive and get the monthly photos!!  This go around we will be using a sheep blanket for size comparison :)

 My coworker Alisha had this adorable Packer outfit made for him

 Louie is not super sure of his Nana.  Maybe he is freaked out by the mask?  She was sick so I appreciate the mask. 

 My coworker is not into babies.
 Ben LOVES to hold his brother and throws a gigantic fit if we don't let him.
 He has his Nana's frown. That is for sure.
 Here is a comparison of all three at one month old.  Ben on upper left, Jimmy upper right and Louie on the bottom row.

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