Friday, March 23, 2012

5 months old!

 Well, as you can see we had a pretty unsuccessful 5 month photoshoot.  This is the first one that I have ever attempted in the evening and, well, lesson learned.  Martin had him dressed up looking like he was ready to out for a job interview in his khakis and collared shirt which I thought was just adorable.  So after we got settled after daycare I whipped out the camera.  The above picture is the best of the few I got before this happened:
 He just wasn't having it, I don't know if he was ashamed to be documented in a soiled polo shirt or what.
 He even took his rage out on our little prop - #5 got chewed.  I didn't get any good ones with the bear for size comparison.
 Then Martin got home and I thought our tides had turned with this goofy little smile.  He does this with his hands all the time.  He looks like he is constantly plotting or up to no good.  He always had them folded in front of him like that.  Weirdo.
 And we were done.
 I guess the evenings will be for candids and I will have to either bust the camera out in the morning before work on his monthly advancements or just know that I will have Evil Mino.  Martin really wants to be sure that Portos and Mino are buds, so we let Mino practice riding him.  Portos doesn't care what the baby does as long as he is somehow touching Martin.  Which is fantastic for us!  Wallace on the other hand. . he loves him (especially his crusty milk toe jam hands) and loves to lick him but quickly starts biting him.  He hasn't made him cry yet or left any marks.
 Since the baby has been at daycare I really have been dominating the feeding at home so poor Martin gets stuck with the pear juice botttles which Mino LOVES (NOT!) but this day daycare had just warmed up his last bottle of milk when I got there (I am so cheap with it that when that happens I refuse to chuck it) and Martin got home early so he got to bond with his little man.
 We are working on sitting up too.  He can for a while but usually ends up with his face near his feet or off to one side.  He was doing pretty well this morning with it though!!

 Daycare sent us this lovely shot of him in his boxcar.  I guess they threw out all of their baby bumbo chairs after some recall so now the babies are allocated to old boxes filled with pillows.  I do believe that Mino prefers that over the fancy little device though.
 And, last but not least, Mino discovered his feet.  I guess mom and dad were trying to get him to do this while we were in Clintonville last weekend (just before the booms started!) but were unsuccessful.  Two days later he got it.  He is going to have abs of steel because he is always lifting his feet up into the air, either a straight leg lift of these reverse crunches. 
The poor guy is giong through a transitional hair phase.  He is loosing even more on the sides and the back and he has this wide patch of three to four inch long hair just on the top.  I hope that stays so we can comb it over his little lump.  He isn't quite ready to be rocking the chrome dome look yet.


  1. He is so adorable. I want to smooch him!

    1. Any time! Bring your little ladies on a road trip to the cities.
