Sunday, April 21, 2013

1.5 years old

My little dude, the mangiest of all the mangimens, little min min, Benjamuffin/Benjamima is 1.5 years old.  He is no longer a suitable dinner companion at restaurants, he loves stuffed animals, he has a penchant for drama, he still loves to twirl hair between his fingers (god bless you white fluffy doggy), he is trying his darndest to jump but hasn't quite mastered the knee bend and upward momentum at the same time.  He LOVES cheese of all kinds and pasta and peas, pretty much everything else is take it or leave it.  He knows most of his body parts and in the last month has really taken his talking to the next level, he knows a fair amount of words but really tries to imitate what we say by trying the sounds, he knows inflections and knows to say please and wave his little hand like the Queen of England to get us to do whatever he wants.

He still makes it into our bed by the time my alarm goes off, and is still not a morning person.  He can throw things really hard and is mastering his climbing technique (into the tub, into the toilet, up the TV stand).

We still love him and can't imagine our lives without him.

Going old school on this day with 4 posts, official 18 month photos.

And the grand finale, the true spirit of Mino captured in one photo:::::

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