Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Spring that Wasn't

We started off Spring on a cold note. The first day of  Spring was below zero.  By the time I got my act together and documented the temperature we had risen to 0.0 degrees F.  Should have known at that point what we were up against.

Several snowstorms and a month later, we aren't doing much better.  We have warmed up into the 30s but as of April 19th got officially 10 more inches of snow.  My ruler was placed on sidewalk so isn't the most accurate place to document snow accumulation.

We are making the best of it though and playing outside.  The sun is still warm.  Heck it is at the same place in the sky as it is in August.  I swear, if we still have snow in August I will not be happy.
We wandered down to the pond in back which is really high right now due the the several days we have had above freezing and the snow melt.  It had frozen overnight and made a beautiful pattern.
We had fun throwing snowballs on the ice.
It is actually a really cool thing to have in the back yard.  Usually there are ducks and geese, but for obvious reasons they had abandoned ship at that particular moment.

You can still slide with a snow suit on.  It actually makes you go faster!

The garage doesn't have gutters.  Some pretty sweet icicles form there on occasion.
If you blow the picture up below you can actually see his broken little front teeth.

And just to point out that I am not being overly dramatic, he we were exactly one year ago today, when he was 6 months old.  Outside in short sleeves with green grass and dandelions.  What a difference a year makes.

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