Sunday, April 21, 2013

Mino-Daddy Disney Trip!!

Martin's family decided back in October that they were coming to Disney for Felix's birthday.  How exciting!!  I did the calculations and sadly found out that with our already planned vacations this year and two weddings that I didn't have enough vacation time to be able to go with my boys :(  Martin made the brave decision to go alone to Disney with Mino.  Wow.  I don't know if I could have done it.  Once he got there he stayed with his family, so he technically wasn't alone, but still.  It is tough.
Martin had dreams of taking Mino on his favorite rides he remembers from his childhood and now.  But quickly found that it is tough to stick to your plans with little children and large groups.  They found plenty to do for a kid that is 16 months old which actually surprised me a lot.

His Abeuelos got some great cuddle time with their little American grandson.
He got to play and fight with his little South American counterpart Clara.
 I guess the condo that they stayed in had a nice playground, so the kids got some good time to work out their willies.

His favorite documented ride was Its a Small World.  Martin said he made this face the entire time.  He said that he couldn't get enough of looking at all the moving puppets and the song.  He took a video that was like 3 minutes long, too long to put on here or to send to my phone but was basically this with him turning from side to side.  I would have loved to have seen that.

I guess he did have one melt down moment. It came on a particularly hot day, in a particularly long line for Pirates of the Caribbean, with a particularly full diaper, and a certain ride that broke before those waiting in line were able to ride it.  After his freak out, a clean diaper and a walk, I guess all was well.  This is as close to his angry face as we got.

I think my favorite documentation of the trip was a video Martin took on one of the first days of Mino dancing. The dance moves aren't all that slick, but he just looks like a proper Florida Retiree.

Martin was sad as he realized that the whole time there the baby didn't get to see Mickey Mouse or any character for that matter.  He said that they don't wander the parks anymore, that they have assigned meet and great times at meals and what not.  So luckily at the Airport on the way home Mickey was there to greet him.
Next time we will all go.  Martin has decreed that "we will do it right and stay at a Disney Resort" and Mino will get to have all the amazing experiences that Martin remembers from waaaaaay back when he was a youth.

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