Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It seems Benjamin is getting a baby brother

It seems that November 14th Benjamin will be displaced from his only child title and in rolls in a little brother.  Everything looked good on the ultrasound so only time will tell.

I have had a little complication this time around so I get to go back for another ultrasound in 6 weeks or so to check on things which I am kind of excited about.  Here in MN they really skimp on the ultrasounds, so I think my body was trying to find a way to trick the docs into letting me get another glance. 

The fetus formerly known as the deuce is a welcome surprise, Mino was always going to be the eldest child, it just happened a little sooner than my minds eye had pictured.  I went out and got him a little book on being a big brother, he really is too little to grasp the upheaval that is going to happen in his life.  I call it a success though because he totes that book around everywhere.  He isn't interested at all in letting me read it to him, he hits me if I try.  He calls it "My book" and flips through the pages pretending to read it.

The fetus formerly known as the deuce is going to have major second child sydrome in that I am stoked that I do not have to buy anything for him, we have everything in the right size for the season and everything.  I feel a little like I want to get stuff though, so I splurged and got him a little satin lined blanket that I  am hoping he loves and totes around rather than a crusty white dog like Mino's fixation.

Speaking of "Doggie" it is actually a fleet, I think we are up to 5 of them.  I accidentally put two in the dryer so they are more poodles than fluffy dogs at this point, one is all rastaed out with dreads but clean, he has a yet to be soiled one in use and one in waiting in the closet.  We have so many because he is so attached I fear for the day that we travel and loose one or he throws it out the window or something, good to be prepared.  We never leave home without at least two doggies.

But because he is so cute, here is a video of Mino giving knuckles or fist bumping depending on your origins.

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