Monday, December 2, 2013

Thankful for family Thanksgiving

We had two Thanksgivings this year.  Both here in MN.  The first ended up being far more than we anticipated, we thought it would be Nana and our family - low key.  Auntie Sarah had to work so she and Aaron couldn't be here until late Friday night and Granddude thought he had to work as well.  Turns out he didn't have to work and our friends Kate and Claude's plans fell through and came over so we had 8 chairs for two separate meals.  Loads of fun.  Nana and I had some free time together prior to Jimmy's emergence and that involved a LOT of food network so we took Thanksgiving to a fancy place.  Lets just say our stuffing had figs.

 They previously had plans to host so already had a good amount of food planned and purchased so we had a ton of great food (tastes way better than my picture makes it look - I am no food photographer)
Aaron's sister Ali came down from Up Nort for the festivities on Saturday.  Just so happens our lake froze over prior to any snowfall so we had an entire lake that was like a skating rink.  Needless to say we took advantage (not as much as our Mayberry neighbors who have a full on hockey rink with lights for night skating) but as much as our newly Minnesotan family could muster.

 After skating was time to eat.  Poor Nana had a foot issue (cough cough wanted to hold the baby all by herself) so had to stay inside during our outdoor time but was able to whip up a fabulous Thanksgiving feast.

 Again - I am not a food photographer and therefore not good at getting table shots.  But I am good at being a newly wed photographer - look at these two. . .
 Ali and Aaron's parents sent little gifts to the boys.
  Auntie ginger trying to convince Jimmy's follicles to be more red.
 When all is said and done we are so happy to have little Jimmy and Ben and so many people willing to come out to our place to eat.

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