Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Deuce has survived one month with us

What a month:  Thanksgiving, blah blah blah, Nana's Birthday.  That is what I recall anyway.  When going back and comparing the two wee ones I noticed a distinct lack in ugly face pictures thus far so I attempted some last night and managed to capture a possible smile instead

 Today during the one month photos though he turned out some rather unfortunate faces.  He looks like he is looking at you in real life, but in photos it is clear that his eyes are directed elsewhere, sometimes one eye looking at one thing and the other eye at something else all together.

And today was lil Jimmy's first illness, he caught Mino's cold and has been choking on his post nasal drip which apparently upsets his stomach.  Portos bore the brunt of that episode and that dog is so lazy that he just sat there, covered in Jimmy stomach cheese until I cleaned him off. Gross, I know, but just had to emphasize a bit of Portos' nature here.
For a flashback - here is Mino at one month:
They are fairly similar looking, however, the most striking difference is Jimmy's distinct lack of need for the Pepe.  Mino took it like a champ and never looked back, he has it in his mouth as I type, Jimmy isn't too interested and doesn't really need it, I offer up the real thing when he is hungry and he is good to go.

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