Thursday, January 23, 2014

He's a big one

So apparently the two month check up involves 3 shots and an oral vaccine now and the deuce achieved a previously unheard decibel level.  I remember Ben's 2 month check up clearly - I sat and looked at the door while Martin did the hands on baby wrangling so he could get his shots.  He didn't know what to make of it, he looked perplexed then after 20 seconds or so he cried.  Deuce started his high pitch protest immediately upon the oral vaccine and ramped it up for the shots.  Wow.  He sure lets you know when he isn't pleased.
So he's 15 lbs even and 2' tall.  His head is 16.5 inches around.  He is above the 90th percentile all around.  Big boy.  The nurse loved his chubby thighs for the shots:

 He also likes to blow bubbles.  When I heard about babies blowing bubbles I thought it meant big ones, like one big one.  But what it really means is constantly wondering if your child has rabies.  He makes millions of tiny bubbles, or foam if you will.  Today's bubble session was more normal sized but it is very strange.  And cute. 

 I have been trying to be better about doing tummy time with this guy - and he mostly doesn't do anything with it besides rest on his belly, but occasionally he will do some exercises.

 And because I wanted to record the Deuce's largeness for posterity but don't have much else to say I figured that I would put up pictures of each of their rooms as well.  There is a relatively short window where I get to call the shots for what is decoration in each room and I never got to go balls out on Mino's room when I was pregnant with him, I have used all that pent up nesting energy in their rooms here.  To pinteresters and clean people the rooms are probably not too fun to look at in pictures but I get great joy walking into each room.
Martin has a love/love relationship with Skymall.  It started as a young boy I think, who knows, but we get it at home, not just on airplanes.  Well, back in my youth I too requested a Skymall Item - and got it for a birthday or maybe high school graduation from my grandma - the map mural.  I loved it and had it in my bedroom in Clintonville as a teenager for a few years until I wanted something else.  Well it sat up in the attic for a long time until I remembered it as I was pondering what to do with the wallpaper in Jimmy's room.  With the help of Saaron's long arms we got it attached and it makes quite the cool room for a little explorer.

 We are still working on the overall layout of the room, but as of today this is where things are.
 Ben's room happened by accident.  Nana and Sarah wanted to help with my desire for a nursery for the deuce and through many discussions we ended on making a monster nursery.  The first thing I did was get wall decals like we had in the old house, however they don't work quite as well on textured wallpaper.  So monsters got moved to Ben's room.  But what I didn't know was that Sarah and Nana were making things for the nursery, five cool monster pillows and three wall hangings.  Whoops.  Well Ben ended up with those in his cool room.

 We had a long discussion of what to do with Ben once the baby came, do we take his crib and give him a bed or leave him and get another crib.  It wasn't an easy decision but we ended with keeping Ben in his crib until he tries to escape it and getting the deuce one as well.  So here we are, people with two cribs.  We are going to have a sweet rummage sale some day.

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