Friday, January 17, 2014

Month Deuce for the Deuce

I found a photo editor online and have been spending waaaay too much time with it.

Here he is, in all his glory.  Little Jimmy is such a delight.  He sleeps.  And I don't mean just those few hours between feedings, I mean he sleeps from like 10 pm until 330 or 4 in the morning.  Insane.  Ben didn't do that until he was 13 months old.  He eats all day long, and isn't so great with a bottle, but for right now when I am home with him it is amazing.
He likes to sit on his own, he loves the swing and the little activity mat.  Sometimes he just wants to vibe out in his little vibrating chair.  I hold him a lot, but he is happy to just hang out in his car seat and smile at god only knows what up in the ceiling (I hope it isn't ghosts, Mama was a creepy movie.)  He is heavy.  I don't have his 2 month appointment until next week, but according to my measurements he is around the 15 lb mark.  You feel it if you are standing holding him for too long.
He finally has a bed.  I think the next post will document the boy's room but just one day shy of 2 months Jimmy has a proper bed to sleep in.  He smiles up a storm and makes little laughing like sounds with particularly big grins.  He watches his brother.  Well, I think he does anyway.  He really only is mad when he has to drop a deuce or he's hungry.   He is a really great little chubby baby.

There is no visible similarity between Jimmy and Ben at this age, I compared Ben's pictures and there wasn't anything even close so I won't even bother putting comparisons up.
BUT - as visible in the first shot - Ben is asking to hold Little Jimmy now.  He willingly put his arm around him today and kissed him. When he runs down the hall to say goodnight to which ever parent isn't reading him stories, he has to find Jimmy to hug and kiss as well.  We may be able to keep him.

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet little guys, and I think Captain Jimmy looks A LOT like Martin!
