Friday, January 17, 2014

We gave Ben a mullet. Whoops.

So this new year started off fairly exiting, Packer tickets were available for a home playoff game!  Who'd a thunk it?!  Not me.  I didn't bother checking.  They are never available except through craigslist or your hygienists aunt's husband's father.  But they were, and so many were available that the game was close to being blacked out in the home market because it wasn't sold out.  I couldn't let that happen, so Sarah and I took one for the team and got tickets.  It was hyped to be colder than the Ice Bowl, but it stayed above zero the whole game.  I didn't even need to wear the goggles.  No, Jimmy was not under my coat.  Martin would have left me if I had my way on that one.  I was a hurting mama after getting home though. . .
Then we came back home.  Ben is into trains.  And Batman.  And Dinosaurs.
 The next weekend Saaron came to visit us in MSP.  Well, really, it wasn't to visit us, Sarah had plans and wanted free room and board.  Aaron came to visit us.  We had a rough week prior, Ben had croup. 

I don't wish that on anyone.  That cough and breathing sound was terrifying to hear in the middle of the night.  I filmed it because we needed to bring him in and I hoped that he wouldn't be making these sounds until then but I wanted the doctor to hear what we heard throughout the night.  But he was mostly over it and the temps were warm so  we hit the lake hard.  I wish that I had more pics.  Saaron were leading Gryff around, Martin and Ben were keeping pace with one another and I was walking with Jimmy.  Ben needed to be carried back home from about half way around, Martin wished he could be.

 Contrary to both of their expressions, the boys had a good time with their Auntie.
Ben is more of a lover than a fighter.  We try to get him to punch the wobble tiger toy, instead this happens and before he goes to bed he hugs and kisses it.

Martin and I have been at odds with what to do with Ben's hair.  I err on the shorter side, Martin likes his luxurious locks.  I finally put my foot down and ventured out for the first time with both boys to tackle the hair.  Here we are leaving the house on the way to cut that hair.
 In action. . he was so well behaved compared to last time.
 Here is the after. . . he did just wake up from a nap though.

 Here is the real after - oh yeah - we are trying to get him to use the potty, or at least not be scared.  The first time was great, he pooped.  That scared the bejesus out of him.  He hasn't been back except for when bribed.  Here is documentation of him doing it, but I am real, the kid will be in diapers for at least another year.  There is no desire there to do anything other than tell me his diapers are dirty.  He doesn't even want to change them when dirty, he just likes to tell me.  He loves those diapers.  And the Desitin.  He really likes the Desitin.  I got off on a tangent, this side view shows the accidental mullet.  My instructions were "You can cut it, but keep it long"  I was happy that he still had long hair, that he didn't throw a complete shyte fit whilst getting cut, and that the three of us survived in public without anyone wondering which one I kidnapped.  I didn't notice the mullet.  Martin did first thing.
 A little cuticle trimmer cut later, the mullet was gone.
I totally busted Portos and Jimmy having a moment.

 Jimmy is a calm little dude, even in the bath, he just hangs out.  He makes some mean bubbles though.
 This is for my mom.  She loves baby hands that are fat and the knuckles are dimpled. 
 He loves the changing table too.  But who wouldn't. 
 I am trying to get back to my roots with ugly face shots to end each post.  This shot is a doozy.  It may be the ugliest of the ugly.  I can't help but laugh every time I see it.  I was trying to capture Jimmy's perfect little frown that he makes.  He and Martin and CaroleNana are all capable of making a complete upside down U shaped frown.  It is amazing.  He bypassed the frown though and went straight to this:

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