Monday, June 23, 2014

Some random photos from the past month or so that don't fit into the precise titles I am coming up with

I have been pretty bad about having a proper camera with me lately, or I do but am unable to use it due to holding my gigantic infant.  I have been rather quick on the draw for my phone though so have quite a few pictures from random activities we have done as of late.  Nothing special, but some just warm my heart and what mother doesn't like to force pictures of her kids on others?

 Ben doesn't just sit on the couch or chair or floor, he is always between two objects hovering.  He likes his legs up or on something.  Strange kid.
 For our 5 year anniversary we went out to dinner in St. Anthony Main with the kiddos and took in the sights.  It was nice, and if you get out for a 5 pm dinner there isn't even much wait!

Loving Lake Life

We are.  What else can I say.  It is what I hoped it would be and more.  Part of what makes it is having kids next door that play very well together and are beyond patient with Ben.

The "beach" out front needs a dog that loves water or kids that are are little older and can tromp and run back and forth to rid the bottom of some much.

Luckily half a block down there is a public beach with a concession stand and playground that we can hit up. 

We went with our neighbors to the beach part for the first time today and both kids had a great time.


 I cleared the area around Jimmy of rocks and snails and algae - he didn't ingest anything but sure loved the weeds and algae clumps if they came floating near by.

 Jimmy wore himself out.
Ben has a new motto "I am a big boy" or "I am a preschooler" that he uses in occassions such as: walking out into the water after some high school kids to prove that he doesn't need to stay shallow or know how to swim; walking along the road not abiding physics in that a car is stronger and bigger than he is; diaper changes which doesn't make sense and is partly why we started saying things like that to him to try to get him to not want to be in diapers anymore.  Oh well.

 Summer means ice cream.  Ben is taking swimming lessons right now - pics later as I have none as of yet - and we started a tradition of going to get ice cream afterwards, that and after work when it is particularly warm, or midafternoon because he had a good nap, or sometimes inside when watching cartoons because why not?!  Outside generally is the best option though.
I have mentioned before that I have developed a slight fascination with birds, but seriously, how could you not when this is just out front?!

Lucky 7.

Here we are, seven months into getting to know little Jimmy.  Ben currently is a pretty big fan of his brother.  He gives him a hug and kiss every night before bed and is very protective of him at daycare.  Jimmy is finally (FINALLY!!!!) consistently eating from his bottles at daycare.  Two days in a row of him consuming more than 4 oz a day!  Jackpot.

I went back to work on June 2 and it has been full time thus far, next week starts my usual schedule of less hours and I can't wait.  It was bizarre to go from hanging out with them all day to suddenly being back in the real world, having to shower and carry on conversations with others.  It was really weird this Monday to have to be a dentist again and - not going to lie- it was a little unnerving.  Two meth mouth cases in my first two days with a brain that had been one step above mush for the last half year was a bit much. 
Little Jimbo is a lover.  The kid is so so so happy.  He wakes up happy to see you.  He stays that way when you plop him on the ground in front of the bathroom so you can get ready or take care of business, he doesn't mind.  I don't want this to sound bad but he is like a dog and rather than wagging his tail he flails his arms.  He is strong.  Like unnervingly strong.  He has hands that he uses rather like a sloth - you can watch the neruotransmission from his brain to his fingers as he is thinking about grabbing something to the act of grabbing it.  But if he does watch out.  At six months he lifted the scale with him at the doctor's office, he grabs our bowls and plates (and it takes two of our hands to undo one of his), he grabs Ben's hair (till the shrillness of Ben's scream scares him into release), he grabs Wallace and Portos(until the fur he is holding on to falls out).   A brute.   A bull mastiff if you will.  And now jn his ripe old age of 7 months, and still not rolling from front to back he has decided he wants to stand. I haven't found him standing alone yet, but he can pull himself up when sitting next to you on the couch or if you offer your hands.

The photoshoot this month was hands down the least effort I have put forth to date.  Eight months will redeem me, forgive me, two kids and full time job is hard.  I won't wine, I have a great husband who helps immensley and we are equal team members but it is a lot of work.  That and I am going through Bravo withdrawl.
 Ben wanted to be part of this one. . . as you can see there are smiles and not stink eyes any more.  At least immediately that is.

 I am just a sucker for ugly faces. . .
We have been watching the world cup.  Thus far Martin is a happy camper.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Headed west for "Guadalupe"

Jimmy and I split town this weekend and went to Denver to meet up with Caitlin and Emily for !!Caitlin's baby shower!!
The first and foremost thing that I need to put out there is that I had a terrible experience flying Frontier Airlines - Midwest is so far in the past.  Jimmy is a great flyer.  I didn't manage to get a picture of him at the airport - you'd think with the delays on both ends I would have - but being checked for explosives fills some time.  He slept the entirety of both flights.  No one is comfortable sitting in the middle but Jimmy made it work amazingly and saved us money - you know you have to pay more to sit window or aisle from your purchase price right!?
Any hoot it worked out well because Emily and I arrived at the same time.  Not much is wilder than a full term prego, a breast feeder and a lawyer - we managed to stay off the Denver Police's radar surprisingly.  
Caitlin and Emily are troopers, I have a picture of the three of us when I was pregnant with Ben that is one of my favorites so I wanted to recreate it for Caitlin.  I know Emily has a great mental image of the three of us when she was pregnant with Jack :)
Jimmy loved his Auntie Em.
Jimmy enjoyed test driving the Ferrari.
He wasn't so sure about Ellen at first. . .
But got over it quickly when he realized she was the host and therefore the gateway to food.

Meanwhile Ben and Martin loved time hanging as a couple of dudes.  They went canoeing, went to the bug exhibit at the MN Zoo,

ate some McDonalds and Applebee's and between rainstorms even made it to the open house at the Anoka County Airport.  

Movers and shakers those two.  My favorite thing - well things - happened over the phone.  First our new neighborhood has annual rummage sales the weekend after Memorial Day - yes the weekend I am gone.  I begged and pleaded with Martin to check them out for toys and clothes for the boys.  He was a bit hesitant - just didn't grow up rummaging and likes all things new.  But he did go and he is a believer now.  I got the call "this whole box of toys for only $13, in the store this one alone would be $50". Are therefore beautiful words to the ears of a fellow deal seeker?  I think not.  
Second - for only the second time in his life - both times I was not home - Ben pooped the tub.  I fielded the frenzied phone call immediately after the 15 minute FaceTime of Ben sitting evey way but the proper way on his potty training seat.  Guess it should have been a 16 minute call.
A wonderful weekend for all of us.