Thursday, June 19, 2014

Headed west for "Guadalupe"

Jimmy and I split town this weekend and went to Denver to meet up with Caitlin and Emily for !!Caitlin's baby shower!!
The first and foremost thing that I need to put out there is that I had a terrible experience flying Frontier Airlines - Midwest is so far in the past.  Jimmy is a great flyer.  I didn't manage to get a picture of him at the airport - you'd think with the delays on both ends I would have - but being checked for explosives fills some time.  He slept the entirety of both flights.  No one is comfortable sitting in the middle but Jimmy made it work amazingly and saved us money - you know you have to pay more to sit window or aisle from your purchase price right!?
Any hoot it worked out well because Emily and I arrived at the same time.  Not much is wilder than a full term prego, a breast feeder and a lawyer - we managed to stay off the Denver Police's radar surprisingly.  
Caitlin and Emily are troopers, I have a picture of the three of us when I was pregnant with Ben that is one of my favorites so I wanted to recreate it for Caitlin.  I know Emily has a great mental image of the three of us when she was pregnant with Jack :)
Jimmy loved his Auntie Em.
Jimmy enjoyed test driving the Ferrari.
He wasn't so sure about Ellen at first. . .
But got over it quickly when he realized she was the host and therefore the gateway to food.

Meanwhile Ben and Martin loved time hanging as a couple of dudes.  They went canoeing, went to the bug exhibit at the MN Zoo,

ate some McDonalds and Applebee's and between rainstorms even made it to the open house at the Anoka County Airport.  

Movers and shakers those two.  My favorite thing - well things - happened over the phone.  First our new neighborhood has annual rummage sales the weekend after Memorial Day - yes the weekend I am gone.  I begged and pleaded with Martin to check them out for toys and clothes for the boys.  He was a bit hesitant - just didn't grow up rummaging and likes all things new.  But he did go and he is a believer now.  I got the call "this whole box of toys for only $13, in the store this one alone would be $50". Are therefore beautiful words to the ears of a fellow deal seeker?  I think not.  
Second - for only the second time in his life - both times I was not home - Ben pooped the tub.  I fielded the frenzied phone call immediately after the 15 minute FaceTime of Ben sitting evey way but the proper way on his potty training seat.  Guess it should have been a 16 minute call.
A wonderful weekend for all of us.

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