Monday, June 23, 2014

Some random photos from the past month or so that don't fit into the precise titles I am coming up with

I have been pretty bad about having a proper camera with me lately, or I do but am unable to use it due to holding my gigantic infant.  I have been rather quick on the draw for my phone though so have quite a few pictures from random activities we have done as of late.  Nothing special, but some just warm my heart and what mother doesn't like to force pictures of her kids on others?

 Ben doesn't just sit on the couch or chair or floor, he is always between two objects hovering.  He likes his legs up or on something.  Strange kid.
 For our 5 year anniversary we went out to dinner in St. Anthony Main with the kiddos and took in the sights.  It was nice, and if you get out for a 5 pm dinner there isn't even much wait!

1 comment:

  1. At first I thought you were referring to your sister as the ginger menace. Now I understand it was the feline version..
