Monday, June 23, 2014

Loving Lake Life

We are.  What else can I say.  It is what I hoped it would be and more.  Part of what makes it is having kids next door that play very well together and are beyond patient with Ben.

The "beach" out front needs a dog that loves water or kids that are are little older and can tromp and run back and forth to rid the bottom of some much.

Luckily half a block down there is a public beach with a concession stand and playground that we can hit up. 

We went with our neighbors to the beach part for the first time today and both kids had a great time.


 I cleared the area around Jimmy of rocks and snails and algae - he didn't ingest anything but sure loved the weeds and algae clumps if they came floating near by.

 Jimmy wore himself out.
Ben has a new motto "I am a big boy" or "I am a preschooler" that he uses in occassions such as: walking out into the water after some high school kids to prove that he doesn't need to stay shallow or know how to swim; walking along the road not abiding physics in that a car is stronger and bigger than he is; diaper changes which doesn't make sense and is partly why we started saying things like that to him to try to get him to not want to be in diapers anymore.  Oh well.

 Summer means ice cream.  Ben is taking swimming lessons right now - pics later as I have none as of yet - and we started a tradition of going to get ice cream afterwards, that and after work when it is particularly warm, or midafternoon because he had a good nap, or sometimes inside when watching cartoons because why not?!  Outside generally is the best option though.
I have mentioned before that I have developed a slight fascination with birds, but seriously, how could you not when this is just out front?!

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