Monday, July 21, 2014

Happy 8 months my not so little Deuce

He isn't small.  That is for sure.  Your arms and back know you've been holding on to the little chunker.  Still sweet though.  Just starting to pull himself to a stand, but loves to have you just put him in that position.  Won't sit willingly - when we attempt it he arches his back and locks his knees so he goes down flat on his back.  Eats a lot.  Drinks a lot.  Sleeps. . . not a lot.  I don't know how he has the energy because he really doesn't sleep much.  Two short (like 20 minute) naps at daycare, most of the night through but with the cough is waking up and needing a little mammary help to go back to sleep.  Loves his brother, follows his with his eyes and his little commando crawl that he is just starting to figure out.  Weighs in just under 23 lbs, 22 lbs 15oz at last check.  Has a high pitched dophin like laugh and loves to say Da and Ba and Ga and can roll his tongue like none other.  He is little Jimmy and we love him to bits.

Here is a little snippet of Jimmy's lazy stand.

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